Develop a care plan utilizing the steps of the nursing process.

Develop a care plan utilizing the steps of the nursing process.

.Develop a care plan utilizing the steps of the nursing process.
2.Identifies appropriate NANDA-I nursing diagnoses based on “patient” in the case.
3.Prioritize nursing diagnoses based on the needs of the “patient” in the case.
4.Formulates SMART goals for each nursing diagnosis.
5.Identifies appropriate interventions to help “patient” meet goals.
6.Explains the rationale for each intervention.
7.Identifies criteria needed to meet each goal in the evaluation.
Using the case scenario below, cluster the data obtained in the scenario and link related data. Use
the linked data to list clustered data as assessment information on the care plan. Using the
assessment information, create TWO pertinent nursing diagnoses (two or three part as
appropriate). One diagnosis must be an actual problem (three-part) and the second may be actual
(three-part), risk (two-part) or health promotion (two part). Each nursing diagnosis must have
two goals, one long term, and one short term. Be sure to create SMART goals; make sure each
goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Create THREE
individualized interventions for each goal that will help the patient meet the goals you have
developed. Assessment/monitor interventions are not accepted for this assignment. Provide TWO
rationales for EACH intervention (two different sources). Determine how you will evaluate the
effectiveness of the interventions to determine if the plan has been met.
Write a full care plan using the template provided. The care plan will be graded using the Care
plan rubric. The points assigned to each criterion will be based on the total points the care plan is
worth. Use APA format for your rationales (citation and reference page needed).
Case Study for Care Plan #2
You are working the medical-surgical unit and have been assigned a 42-year-old male patient
who has had a colon resection with colostomy two days ago. His history includes diabetes, colon
cancer, and hypertension. His abdominal incision was assessed with this morning’s dressing
change. His vital signs are within normal range for him and he shows no signs of surgical
incision infection at this time. He lives at home with his wife and has two teenage children still at
home. He is unsure about how to change his appliance and care for his colostomy. He is worried
about how he will be able to continue to work or do other daily activities with the ostomy. He has
stated, “what if I am out to eat and my bag is full”, “what will my kids think about the
colostomy”, “guess I will have to give up bowling league now” and “how can I have relations
with my wife, she won’t find me attractive with this”.The plan is to have this patient discharge to
home tomorrow or the next day.