Determine whether or not an implementation plan addresses those identified barriers.

Key Assignment Draft not inclusive of POWER POINT

Part 1

Craft a memo. Make sure to include the following points in the memo:

Explain how legal barriers may or may not prohibit information sharing at the different levels of government.
Include decision-making products as they relate to your chosen Key Assignment topic.
Review the Key Assignment selected strategy and determine what (if any) barriers there may be to information sharing.
Determine whether or not any barriers to information sharing are identified.
Determine whether or not an implementation plan addresses those identified barriers.
Determine how the strategy that you have selected fits into the overall information-sharing global structure.

Part 3

Please submit a draft of your Key Assignment, drawing from your work in previous weeks.

Provide a written analysis of a specific intelligence and information-sharing strategy. Your draft should examine the strategy of an agency, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), or any national strategy that involves intelligence and information sharing, such as intelligence-led policing. Your draft should be 15–20 pages in length and should provide an in-depth analysis to determine whether or not the current strategy meets the intelligence and information sharing needs for homeland security (HLS), and make recommendations for improvement.

The analysis will examine factors such as, but not limited to the following:

A brief description of the strategy to include the agency responsible for the strategy and the history and evolution of the document
An analysis of the agencys past and current structure and capabilities
Identification of information-sharing barriers and an explanation of how and why they are classified as barriers
A description of the specific policies within the strategy
Identification of legal entities and legal barriers
A description of whether or not there are ethical and privacy considerations
The intelligence cycle