Determine appropriate medical treatment

Determine appropriate medical treatment

The purpose of this assignment is to encourage analysis of one patient beginning with the history and progressing to the physical examination. Go over the pathophysiological processes and mechanisms of human disease, clinical signs and symptoms, and diagnostic data consistent with the pathology of common health problems. Determine appropriate medical treatment and nursing care based on best practices found in the literature. This assignment emphasizes critical thinking and problem-solving through the correlation of cellular and multi-system pathology with related assessment and diagnostic data, medical treatment, and nursing management.

Complete a comprehensive history and physical case study analysis incorporating topics presented in the course. You should include at least five current references less than five years old (of which three must be journal articles, not nursing textbooks).

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Case Study Analysis
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The paper is in APA, 6th edition, format. APA 6 format requires that you use correct grammar and spelling and double-space your entire paper. Average length of paper: 10 to 12 pages.

Due date: Submit the patient case study analysis by Sunday, 11:59 ET.


Patient Case Study Analysis Grading Criteria
Patient Case Study Analysis Grading Criteria
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Pathophysiology and Assessment of a Specific Disease Process
• Definition and description of disease • Risk factors • Dynamics of the disease in relation to cellular disruption and effect upon major body systems • History and physical assessment data. What are the pertinent positives and negatives found in the assessment data? Relate findings to the pathophysiology of the disease • Diagnostics studies (lab, radiology, etc.) Relate the findings to the pathological process. You must identify the rationale for the abnormalities
100.0 pts
Fully Meets Criteria
All aspects of expected criteria are met, thorough and pertinent to specific disease process.
50.0 pts
Partially Meets Criteria
Aspects of expected criteria are partially met and/or partially pertinent to specific disease process.
0.0 pts
Does not meet criteria
Aspects of expected criteria are not met and/or not pertinent to specific disease process.
100.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Medical Management
• What was the rationale for ordered medical treatment? • What was the patient’s response to treatment? If the patient was not improving, what more would you do as a patient advocate to improve patient outcomes? Include in your discussion all of the following if appropriate: o Pharmacological therapy o Medical and/or surgical intervention o Rehabilitative techniques
40.0 pts
Fully Meets Criteria
All aspects of expected criteria are met, thorough and pertinent to specific disease process and expected medical management.
20.0 pts
Partially Meets Criteria
Aspects of expected criteria are partially met and/or partially pertinent to specific disease process and expected medical management.
0.0 pts
Does not meet criteria
Aspects of expected criteria are not met and/or not pertinent to specific disease process and/or expected medical management.
40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Nursing Management
• What were the major nursing diagnoses and primary interventions for this patient? Include the patient’s response/outcomes? • Reflecting back on this patient case study, what would you have done differently? Explain your answer • Include in your discussion of nursing management the following: o Pertinent nursing diagnoses and interventions o Changes in health status related to interventions o Evaluation of collaborative management and patient outcomes
40.0 pts
Fully Meets Criteria
All aspects of expected criteria are met, thorough and pertinent to specific disease process and expected nursing management.
20.0 pts
Partially Meets Criteria
Aspects of expected criteria are partially met and/or partially pertinent to specific disease process and expected nursing management.
0.0 pts
Does not meet criteria
Aspects of expected criteria are not met and/or not pertinent to specific disease process and/or expected nursing management.
40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Format
• Answers are supported by references • Follows APA format
20.0 pts
Fully Meets Criteria
The paper is properly formatted for APA. It uses appropriate language and contains no grammar, spelling, or mechanical errors. At least 5 current references are utilized.
10.0 pts
Partially Meets Criteria
The paper contains some formatting errors, The paper uses appropriate language and contains a few grammar, spelling, or mechanical errors and/or paper is not supported by at least 5 current references.
0.0 pts
Does not meet criteria
The paper does not present proper formatting. It also may not use appropriate language and contains numerous grammar, spelling, or mechanical errors and/or does not utilize 5 supporting current references.
20.0 pts
Total Points: 200.0