Describe what the theme of the short story is using Chapter Seven of the text as a reference.

In two to four double-spaced pages (excluding title and reference page), demonstrate your understanding of literary themes, using a short story from the readings in week one or two:
Describe what the theme of the short story is, using Chapter Seven of the text as a reference.
Identify at least two of the literary elements in the short story that contribute to the theme (e.g., plot, point of view, tone, setting, character, symbolism, etc.), providing an example of each element.
Explain how the selected literary elements affect the narrative theme

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Discrimination has been integrated into society for years, affecting many unfairly. The Welcome Table shockingly reveals racial issues through effectively utilizing outside perspectives and capitalizing on the effects of the main conflict. The story alters between many perspectives, though all like minded. Through different eyes, an old woman’s struggle is captured through a corrupted lens. This discrimination creates adverse actions, reflecting on how deep their negative feelings run. Based on this, the story overarchingly displays racial issues.

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Through this short story, the narrator shifts between various racial lenses. Some of them there at the church saw the age Others saw cooks, chauffeurs, maidsMany of them saw jungle orgiesothers were reminded of riotous anarchists looting and raping in the streets. These perspectives distort the image of an old disadvantaged lady, some mild to extreme but all based on their previous perceptions. Could their husbands expect them to sit up in church with that? Because of these malicious views the reader is subjected to sympathize with the old lady and forced to recognize the core of the narrators’ hate. And so they gazed nakedly upon their own fear transferred. Upon further reflection of this animosity, racism is brought to the forefront, predominant in nature, brought by early society’s values. By using a range of perspectives of a similar thinking mass, the author highlights a large racial issue that still affects many.

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Based on the racial views of the narrators’, unseemingly actions are produced, creating the core conflict. The young usherwent up to her and whispered that she should leave. Based on his wrongly established views, the usher questions her on something that is a basic right as written in the First Amendment. out she flew through the door This action, done out of spite for the color of her skin and disregarding her battered state, allows readers to bare witness the extent racial issues can drive people to. The people in church never knew what happened to the old woman; they never mentioned her to one another or to anybody else. On completion of the catastrophe, the people are able to easily sweep away the tragedy because they valued the death little. The copious conflicts features the motive behind the indecent behavior.

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Throughout the story, racial issues are highlighted by employing different mediums. The interchanging viewpoints show an overwhelming bias against an old woman that reveals deeply integrated racism. Their viewpoints seem to justify their immoral actions, which are detrimental to the old lady’s well being. It had brought death upon the old lady just as it had to many like her. It is a small snapshot of a larger scale, a replication of a repeating trend that has existed for years.