Describe one intervention that you would recommend for each stage and explain why you selected each.

view the article, The Life of a Police Officer: A Developmental Perspective. Focus on a police officers stages of lifespan development. Consider how motivation relates to each stage. Also, think about types of interventions (e.g., training, support, counseling) that would benefit a police officer in each stage.
Review the article, Tough CopSoft Cop? The Impact of Motivations and Experiences on Police Officers Approaches to the Public. Consider the impact of a police officers motivations and experiences on his or her approaches to the public. Think about how motivation and experience influence and relate to police officer lifespan development.
Review this weeks media, Developmental Lifespan Stages of Police Officers. Consider the police career lifespan as it relates to other stages of adult development. Think about the stages at which intervention would be most useful to a police officer and consider which interventions would be the most effective for each stage.
Select three stages of the police professional lifespan in which interventions may be most useful to police officers.
Think about one intervention you would use at each of these stages and consider why.
The assignment (13 pages):

Identify and explain three stages of the police professional lifespan in which interventions (e.g., training, support, counseling) would be most useful.
Describe one intervention that you would recommend for each stage and explain why you selected each.
Support your responses with references to the Learning Resources and the research literature.