Describe nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal
Describe nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal:
Univ of Phoenix: Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal: Monitoring(5th part of 6 week assignment)
Order Description
This is a 6 week project with new aspects of it added per week. University of Phoenix nursing course. I will add the papers from the first 4 installments. This is the 5th installment of the project. “Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal: Monitoring”
•Describe the methods for monitoring solution implementation using the steps of the model you chose.
Outcome Measure:
•Describe the methods for collecting the outcome day which includes how the outcome measure is valid, reliable, sensitive to change, and appropriate for use in this proposed project.
Evaluation Data Collection:
•Describe the methods to be used to evaluate the solution
•Identify resources needed for evaluation.
•Discuss the feasibility of the evaluation plan.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Include a minimum of 4 scholarly references from the University Library and 1,050-1,400 words.
**All papers should have a Turnitin report under 15% or a penalty will be deducted (25%) per the plagiarism email in the Instructor’s announcement. If papers have greater than 50%, the assignment will receive a “0”.
Any papers that do not have a reference page, are not cited in the paper, contains direct quotes, or uses first person will automatically have 10 points deducted.
Assignment Grading Criteria
Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal: Monitoring
Week 5
Content / Development
70 Points Points Earned
/70 Additional Comments:
All key elements of the assignment are:
• Describe the methods for monitoring solution implementation using the steps of the model/theory you chose for your project 15 points
• Describe the methods for collecting the outcome measure data which should include how you would determine your measure’s 15 points:
a) Validity
b) Reliability
c) Sensitive to change
d) Appropriate for use in this project
• Discuss methods you would use to evaluate the solution 15 points
• Describe resources and methods to collect outcome data and the rationale for using the methods 10 points
• Discuss the feasibility of the evaluation plan 10 points
(5 points)
Paper is between 1,050 -1,400 words
Total points 100 x.70 70 Additional comments:
Readability and Style
9 Points Points Earned
/9 Additional Comments:
(3 points each)
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. No first person or direct quotes.
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
Sentences are well-constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.
21 Points Points Earned
/21 Additional Comments:
The paper, including the title page, reference page, and appendices follow APA guidelines for format. (10)
Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines. (6)
The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space. (3)
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. (2)
**All papers should have a Turnitin report under 15% or a penalty will be deducted (25%) per the plagiarism email in the Instructor’s announcement. If papers have greater than 50%, the assignment will receive a “0”.
Any papers that do not have a reference page, are not cited in the paper, contains direct quotes, or uses first person will automatically have 10 points deducted.
100 Points Earned
*( .10)
/10 Additional Comments:
Total Points X .10
(This was week 4’s assignment and attached graded paper)PLEASE SEE COMMENTS FROM INSTRUCTOR REGARDING REFERENCES
Implementation Plan
Oncological pain can be tremendous for a patient. The mere idea of relieve and comfort for this population is fantastic. Spiritulity can comfort can aid as well but promotion of healing begins with the relieve of discomfort. Implementation of a pain solution for oncology patients’ can be extensive but well worth the effort. Settting forth a plan is key to the success of pain management for those who suffer with the horrific diagnosis of cancer and the associcated treatment.
Solution Implementation Plan
Pain management is very crucial in oncology care with more than 50% of patients with cancer experiencing pain. The proposed strategy of patient involvement and empowerment is thought to be central to pain management. A research conducted by Turkish oncology nurses revealed that inadequate attitude and knowledge influences the process of cancer pain management (Yildirim, Cicek, & Uyar, 2008). In order to implement the proposed strategy, the first step will come up with a committee comprising the nurse educators from the oncology unit in order to familiarize themselves with the project description and solution. After they go through the project proposal and approve it, then its implementation can begin. The specific nurse educators will appoint charge nurses from the oncology unit, based on their knowledge of oncology, pain management as well as if they are interested to be part of the implementation team of the project.
Training sessions, of about one hour each, will be arranged in order to help the involved nurses improve their knowledge on the topic. Ten training sessions are expected to be efficient for the nurses to recap and gain more knowledge on effective pain management by involving the patient. The formed committee will come up with the objectives of each session and communicate this to the selected group. They also have the responsibility of communicating with the management of the unit about the project and what is to be achieved at the end of it.
Other sources of educative information will also be used together with the training session. Use of handouts on pain management will also be helpful and the committee will ensure that each charge nurse selected to go through the training will have a handout. To ensure that this project is a success the involved people should work together with the main focus being to achieve the objective. The objective of the study is to ensure that oncology patients will be empowered and involved in the pain management. They should also be able to provide clear and accurate information on what they have learned that the other health care providers in the oncology unit and who help manage cancer patients.
Resources Needed for Solution Implementation
In order to implement the education sessions on pain management there will be needed for a projector to show the presentation. The committee will ensure that there is an available projector before the onset of the training sessions. Handouts should also be made available and a print will therefore be required to ensure that everyone gets all available handouts. Even the staff of oncology unit will each need a copy of the handout and thus enough number should be produced. The committee has the task of ensuring that the resources needed are available and any other cost needed in the implementation part will be catered through the finance department.
Monitoring Solution Implementation
The committee will need to monitor the implementation plan regularly to ensure that there are accuracy and consistency of the topic. Evaluation of the content of the training session and attendance rate is also very important. The committee will also evaluate if the staff knows the importance of involving patients in their care. Pain management is very important and especially when the patient is involved and has been empowered at the same. The oncology staff should demonstrate that they have this knowledge through the use of this evidence based practice as they provide health care in the unit.
Watch for large gaps.
Using Planned Change Theory
This implementation plan uses the theory of Symptom Self-Management, a tested middle range theory (Hoffman, 2013). This theory provides interventions on the improvement of quality of life of a patient by means to understand aspects of symptom self-management and a framework for the development of enhancing interventions. Evidence from studies divulge that behaviors that are healthy, such as effective symptom self-management, can be successful in the prevention or reduction of much of the suffering from cancer diagnoses (Kreuter et al., 2007). Oncology healthcare providers play a crucial role in developing a symptom self- management plan that is critical in ensuring there is optimization of a patient’s symptoms self-management behaviors.
Educating patinets can promote effectivness in diminishing cancer pain and should be used as standard practice guideline in all oncology environments (Marks & Allegrante, 2005). Getting emotional and practical support will also help with the management of pain. There is a need for colossal education on strategies on the management of pain. Multiple systematic have identified that patient education in improving cancer pain management has been optimal. However, there is uncertainty that patient education has the absolute mechanism to improve pain outcomes (Bennett, Bagnall, & Closs, 2009).
Feasibility of the Implementation Plan
The health care providers are aware of the burden that pain causes to cancer patients and hence understand the need by using new strategies aimed at helping the patient manage the pain. Therefore, implementation of the evidence based practice of patient education and empowerment in pain management will have positive results. It’s aimed at helping the patient improve their functional status and quality of life. Additionally, methods of educational empowerment should be based on experiential learning, implying that the provider should ensure be self-involving as much as possible (Aujoulat, d’Hoore, & Deccache, 2007).
A plan is necessary for the solution to mimimize the pain and suffering associated with cancer. Implementing strategy through education and EBP with all care team disciplines can be a significant step to address this phenomonom. A caring touch during such difficult times in ones’ life can be recheaded by providing comfort for the healing of the patient and his or her family.
Aujoulat, I., d’Hoore, W., & Deccache, A. (2007). Patient empowerment in theory and practice: polysemy or cacophony?. Patient education and counseling, 66(1), 13-20 missing doi# for these reference citations on this page?
Bennett, M. I., Bagnall, A. M., & Closs, S. J. (2009). How effective are patient-based educational interventions in the management of cancer pain? Systematic review and meta-analysis. PAIN®, 143(3), 192-199.
Hoffman, A. J. (2013). Enhancing self-efficacy for optimized patient outcomes through the theory of symptom self-management. Cancer nursing, 36(1), E16.
Kreuter, M. W., Green, M. C., Cappella, J. N., Slater, M. D., Wise, M. E., Storey, D., … & Woolley, S. (2007). Narrative communication in cancer prevention and control: a framework to guide research and application. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 33(3), 221-235.
Marks, R., & Allegrante, J. P. (2005). A review and synthesis of research evidence for self-efficacy-enhancing interventions for reducing chronic disability: implications for health education practice (part II). Health Promotion Practice, 6(2), 148-156.
Yildirim, Y. K., Cicek, F., & Uyar, M. (2008). Knowledge and attitudes of Turkish oncology nurses about cancer pain management. Pain Management Nursing, 9(1), 17-25.
Assignment Grading Criteria
Nursing Research Utilization Project: Implementation Plan
Week Four
Content / Development
70 Points Points Earned
60 /70 Additional Comments:
All key elements of the assignment are:
• Develop a plan for Implementing the proposed solution which should include the following: 20 points
a. Realistic objectives
b. Goals
c. Appropriate timeframe for the proposed solution
• Planned change theory that is relational to the development of the implementation plan. Rationale is provided for the use of this theory. 15 points
• Identify Resources needed for the proposed solution with thorough explanation of how the resources will be secured and incorporated 15 poings
• Describe outcome measure(s) that are aligned with the planned outcomes 10 points
• Discuss the Feasibility of the plan 10 points You provided a very clear plan for implementing your solution. It is aligned with your objectives and goals.
Great job with integration of theory. There was not a clear discussion on the outcome measures you are planning to use to determin whether your solution is successful or not.
Total points 100 x.70 70 Additional comments:
Readability and Style
9 Points Points Earned
9 /9 Additional Comments:
(3 points each)
Includes a minimum of 6 Scholarly resources This was clearly well written.
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
Sentences are well-constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.
21 Points Points Earned
20 /21 Additional Comments:
The paper, including the title page, reference page, and appendices follow APA guidelines for format. (10) Overall, nice job. The references were missing the doi#.
Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines. (6)
The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space. (3)
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. (2)
**All papers should have a Turnitin report under 15% or a penalty will be deducted (25%) per the plagiarism email in the Instructor’s announcement. If papers have greater than 50%, the assignment will receive a “0”.
Any papers that do not have a reference page, are not cited in the paper, contains direct quotes, or uses first person will automatically have 10 points deducted.
100 Points Earned * (.10)
8.9 /10 Additional Comments:
Total Points X .10