Describe everything from the moment you enter the venue from the door to your seat or floor.

Describe everything from the moment you enter the venue from the door to your seat or floor. Include information about the lighting, the stage set up, and concessions.

AREA 2: Describe the Performance

There are many ways to tackle this. A play-by-play is perhaps the most uninteresting approach to this. Instead, consider focusing on one aspect of the performance. For instance, make a statement about the variety of musical styles performed: many varieties or few. Then defend your statement with examples. Remember that here you can comment on tempo, instrumentation, lyrics, vocals, volume, articulation of sound, etc… If one performer or front man/woman stands out, identify what worked or did not work with their performance.

AREA 3: Description of the Artist/Bands Historical Genre or Genres

The objective here is to try and connect the musical style to 1950s Rock and Roll sub genres or even earlier. This can be easy or complicated as with modern music. This may require some research to find out the music that influenced the artist you hear perform. This section must include musical style traits, lyrical analysis, and/or facts learned through research to support your claims. Lyrics are usually available online with a google search. Quoting lyrics in your paper is required.

AREA 4: Personal Reaction to the Concert

What did you like/dislike about this event? Try to stay on point with musical comments. You must show me you can express yourself about w liked this music using course terminology. Im hoping that we do not sound like those girls in Before the Music Dies after the course is over! For example, “I liked the vocals.” is not good enough. “I liked the vocals because….” is what Im looking for.

What did you like/dislike about vocals, guitar, bass, percussion (drums), adjunct instruments?
What did you like/dislike about the song structures?
What did you like/dislike about the performance?
What did you like/dislike about the sound quality and mix?
What did you like/dislike about the lighting?
Tips for Success with Concert Reports