Demonstrate knowledge of community health issues affecting various minority populations in our city.

Demonstrate knowledge of community health issues affecting various minority populations in our city.

Community Health – Group Term Project

Objective: Through research on a “community”, and after physically visiting the “community”, students will demonstrate knowledge of community health issues affecting various minority populations in our city. Students will also demonstrate knowledge of health promotion and prevention as well as the current health policy issues affecting us during this decade and beyond.

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Process: Working with your assigned collaborative group, please follow the directions below for the completion of this project. This group project carries a weight of 30% on your final grade and will be evaluated using the Rubrics included in this Syllabus and posted in our Bb classroom under “Course Syllabus”.

Term Project: Working in pre-determined small groups, students will:

1. Select a local community – a group of people having similar characteristics. This is not an “Agency” – it should not be mistaken for one. An “Agency” is not acceptable for our project requirement. A Nursing Home, a Hospital, or a Clinic are not acceptable for our project.

2. Start & maintain a “Running Log” of all efforts and contacts – follow the example provided. WE DID THAT

3. Submit 2 “community” choices for approval (done within the first 2 weeks). Two are needed because many times, one or both do not work out for the project. ROUND THE CLOCK NURSERY, INC

4. Contact the “community”, explain your purpose, respectfully ask for an appointment for the group to visit & take a short tour, and time to ask related questions – document on “log” & send me updates on progress. WE DID THAT PART

5. Based on the selected “community”, develop a “Project Outline” on your ‘community’ and the topics the Group will cover. ONE PAGE PLEASE

6. Plan and develop your questions based on the population in your selected “community”. If it is a community of seniors, your questions will deal with senior issues/concerns. If it is children, your questions will deal with issues/concerns of children. The same applies to adolescents, as well as a population in a residential program of recovering addicts.

7. Visit the “community”, speak with the Director and ask the questions related to the mission of the community, the prevalent health issues, the government agency responsible for inspections, licensing, and overseeing the safety and quality of services provided, etc.

8. Present the Site Visit Verification Form to the Director for his/her verification/signature.

9. Based on the visit, the conversation with the Director, and the tour, write a description of the community (at least one page) ITS A SCHOOL SETTING DIVIDED IN AGE GROUPS

10. Based on the meeting with the Director, identify 3 existing prevalent health issues within the community.

11. Describe one of the health issues and discuss why this health issue is of intertest to the group.

12. Select one of the health issues and develop a Literature Review consisting of a “thesis statement” (follow the examples provided) and use at least three (3) current readings (from scientific professional sources, journals & articles, and/or the sites provided in this Syllabus) relating to the health issue and your thesis statement.

13. Based upon your knowledge of the role & responsibilities of a health inspector, develop 5 objectives for addressing the community health issue identified within the community.

14. Write a concluding statement expressing how this experience has impacted upon and expanded your understanding and thinking about community health issues.

15. Write a professional, well-written business letter to the government agency overseeing the inspection and licensing of this community, addressing health problems to appropriate sources, to increase awareness of community problems.

Students will be required to submit:

1. A typed, double spaced outline by the fourth (4th) week of classes.
2. A typed, double spaced Literature review by the sixth (6th) week of classes.
3. A professionally bound, typed, final documentation (written in APA style) of the project by the tenth (12th) week of classes and