Critically analyze data and evidence for improving advanced nursing practice

Critically analyze data and evidence for improving advanced nursing practice

How do you feel the course prepared you to meet each of the student learning outcomes?
Student Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Integrate theory, evidence, clinical judgment, research, and inter professional perspectives
    using translational processes to improve practice and associated health outcomes for patient
  2. Advocate for the ethical conduct of research and translational scholarship.
  3. Articulate to a variety of audiences the evidence base for practice decisions, including
    the credibility of sources of information and the relevance to the practice problem confronted.
  4. Critically analyze data and evidence for improving advanced nursing practice
  5. Translates research and other forms of knowledge to improve practice processes and
    –Provide an example for each of the 5 outcomes above.