Create a health-related lesson plan for a population you serve.

Create a health-related lesson plan for a population you serve.

Create a health-related lesson plan for a population you serve. This can be for staff or students.

There are 2 parts to this assignment:

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Part 1: The template (linked here): This is an outline of methods and formats used, not a detailed account. See sample.

Part 2: The paper: The paper should be 1-2 pages in APA format and contain enough information to thoroughly cover the topics below. You must use correct APA format for this paper including a title page, proper citation within the paper, and a reference page (an abstract is not necessary). See “APA Resources” here.

Review the Grading Rubric for the Formal Lesson Plan Assignment.

Mandatory sections:

1.Assessment – How did you determine a knowledge deficit of this topic for this particular population?
2.Objectives – Student-centered and written in SMART format, essential learning targets
3.Standards – You will need to reference at least one example of each of the 4 categories of standards below with both name and description:
IL Professional Teaching Standards (standards for the teacher)
IL School Nurse Standards (standards for the school nurse)
IL Learning Standards for Physical Development and Health (standards for the student that most often relate to nursing care)
IL Learning Standards for Social Emotional Learning (standards for the student)
4.Implementation Plan – Instructional methods to be used, instructional materials needed, step-by-step outline of teaching including interesting introduction and effective closure
5.Differentiation – How do you intend to meet the needs of the diverse learner? (Must cover this section, even if your actual lesson won’t be taught to diverse learners.)
6.Evaluation – How will you determine if learning took place?
7.Evidence – Cite 5 sources with diverse findings. May include your text books as a resource for no more than 2 of the sources. The other 3 sources must come from other texts or current peer-reviewed journal articles (within the last 5 years). APA format required for References section and lesson plan paper.
Additional resources for assignment
File attachment Lesson Plan Assignment.docx ( 16 KB; May 14, 2020 3:28 pm )
File attachment Lesson Plan Template.docx ( 13 KB; May 14, 2020 3:28 pm)

I will attach lesson plan template to be completed with paper.
The textbook for this class is: School Nursing: A Comprehensive Text. 3rd Edition. Selekma, Shannon and YonkaitisLesson Plan Template