Consider what impact the changing population profile in Australia is likely to have on the health care system and arrangements in the future?

Consider what impact the changing population profile in Australia is likely to have on the health care system and arrangements in the future? Discuss what will be the major challenges faced by our health care system? How does being a Registered Nurse fit i
Paper Details

Assignment details – essay

Question details:

Consider what impact the changing population profile in Australia is likely to have on the health care system and arrangements in the future? Discuss what will be the major challenges faced by our health care system? How does being a Registered Nurse fit in with this discussion?

Please note that essays received after the due date/time will be penalised 10% of the final mark available for each day or part day that is overdue. All essays need to be submitted via ‘turnitin’ or SafeAssign

Instructions- please follow the criteria which is marking rubric. No copy and pasting. No direct quotes , everything has to in own language otherwise considered plagiarised.
1. Make a clear concise argument. Critical thinking. Define and apply concept relevant to the argument.
2. Research relevant evidence
3. Essay structure- introduction at the beginning and conclusion in the end. Paragraphs in logical sequence. Only < 10% is acceptable over and under.
4. Writing style/ grammar- pls write clear and coherent style with attention to spelling, punctuation and grammar.
5. Format submission- follow essay guidelines as instructed. Follow 6 guidelines.
6. Reference- only APA 6th style. All in text citations follow required style. Minimum 10-12 references.
Use literature search within last 8 -10 years only. Font 12 throughout assignment.
Include header and footer
Name ravneet Kaur
Student no. 22491026

You can research it through my uni library as well
Details are – southern cross university
Username – rkaur29
Password- jasrav1990
Once you logon go to library option and than can choose a database and research.Research scholarly articles at least 5 , and than use web pages etc .