Consider the types of staff and how the HR department is organised

Focussing on two of the following HR areas critically analyse how HRM at the environment agency can improve organisational performance and make recommendations for improvement. The areas are

1.recruitment and retention 3. reward
2. performance management 4. team/line management behaviour

(I have chosen 1 and 2)
Please note the following in preparing the assignment. This criteria will be used in marking your work:

– You must relate your “analysis” and discussion to relevant theoretical frameworks, models, empirical data, and academic research.
-You should demonstrate a critical appreciation of relevant theory/literature.
-You should provide a brief overview of the organisation in an appendix
-The work is clearly structured, well written, concise and coherent as it develops the argument.
-Practical recommendations must follow on from your discussion and analysis
-Reference should be in Harvard referencing style

The following may guide your discussion
1. Consider the environment and external (e.g.. labour market) constraints faced by the organisation
2. Consider the organisations strategy or what it is trying to archive
3. Consider the motivations of staff in the organisation
4. Consider the types of staff and how the HR department is organised
5. Provide a brief overview of the organisation in an appendix