concept analysis of one concept found in a nursing theory

The paper is a formal concept analysis of one concept found in a nursing theory, adapting the methodology of Walker and Avant (2010, pp. 157 – 179).
The paper is a formal concept analysis of one concept found in a nursing theory, adapting the methodology of Walker and Avant (2010, pp. 157 – 179).
As part of the concept analysis, a limited and focused review of scholarly literature is conducted, using a minimum of 5 scholarly sources related to the selected concept. A formal literature review can be extensive as a writer endeavors to discuss and critique all the relevant literature about a specific topic or area of knowledge. In this assignment, that level of effort is not required. What is expected is an integrated discussion of at least five articles on the concept selected for this assignment. In this integrated discussion, themes, ideas, or facts about the concept found in the reviewed are presented in an organized fashion. Scholarly criticism (evaluation of quality) of how the various authors arrived at those themes is included. This critique relates the writer?s insights on such matters as the validity and reliability of the methods used by the different authors to learn about the concept and the strengths and weaknesses of those authors? conclusions. Note: research articles about the concept are the best kind of article for a literature review.