Clearly demonstrates an understanding of the relevant concepts.
Search the Internet and the CyberLibrary to find sources from which you can develop your grant proposal. You are to show the grant committee that you have a good grasp of the research on mental illness, its causes, prognosis, and treatment as well as the relevant social issues and public health costs.
The sources should be reliable providers of facts, data, and theoretical material relevant to your program and its services. I also encourage you to find one or two sources that address the planning, development, and presentation of health-related educational programming.
Provide a list of 6 to 8 sources that appear to be promising. You should include the standard citation or reference information (Author, Title, Year of Publication, Publisher or Journal, City of Publication) and a brief (3 or 4 sentence) summary of what this source will provide that will be relevant and helpful for formulation and development of your program.
Submit SLP 4 when it is completed.
Suggested length: 2 to 3 pages typed and double-spaced.
Due on the first day of Module 5.
The following items in particular will be assessed:
1) Create a grant proposal for an educational public health program to provide direct service and outreach related to mental health. Pick sources that will help you formulate your proposal and explain what relevant and useful information each source will provide.
2) Application of modular readings when appropriate (APA formatting not required).
The following components should guide your work and will be the criteria by which I will be grading:
Clearly demonstrates an understanding of the relevant concepts.
Uses a logical structure appropriate to papers subject and purpose.
Includes a well-developed introduction, summative conclusion, and section headings or clear transition statements.
Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to support ideas, convey understanding of the topic, and shape the whole work.
Paper shows a high level of analysis and evaluation of the data and resources, as well as recognition of differences, contradictions, and biases. Compelling discussion.
Uses words with precise meaning and an appropriate level of specificity. Sentences are varied, yet clearly structured and carefully focused, not long and rambling.
Almost entirely free of errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
Correct in-text referencing. Complete, accurate reference list in consistent standard format.