Chamberlain College of Nursing


Unit 2 Case Study for Discussion

John is a 56 year-old male who was initially diagnosed 6 months ago with heart failure.

He was treated via a 3-day stay in the hospital and sent home with a drug regime and since then has been seen in the ER two times and is now hospitalized again with shortness of breath, pedal edema, and weight gain. He does not understand why the medications are not working. He cannot miss any more days at work or he will lose his job and medical insurance for him and his family. His wife is a stay-at-home mom for their three boys.

John is a construction worker and does take his medications as directed but continues to eat what he wants. He states he cannot exercise because he works 6 days a week and is just too tired when he gets home. He is always tired, is up all night going to the bathroom, and is extremely worried about his health issues and the future. His wife, Kathy, is also very worried, because she is a stay-at-home mom and has not worked since the birth of their first child, who is 16 years old.

During this hospital stay, another cardiac catheterization reveals that the ejection fraction of his heart is only 40. The doctor has told him he needs to change his lifestyle, continue with his meds, and monitor his vital signs at home.

Kathy is 40 years old and finds herself overwhelmed with the diagnosis and is worried that she may have to go back to work if John is not able to continue working. She wants to know what she can do to help John. She will do anything but is not sure what will help John. The nurse came in and handed her a bunch of papers about diet and exercise and said a home health nurse would set him up for home monitoring.

Formulate searchable, clinical questions in the PICO(T) format using the material in this case study.

There are several potential questions that could be asked, but you only need to identify two. Determine if the focus of each question is assessment, etiology, treatment, or prognosis.

NR449 Unit 2 Case Study 08/21/2014 cs 1

Formulate Searchable Clinical Questions (graded, 25 points)

Read the assigned case study and formulate a searchable, clinical question in the PICO(T) format. There are several potential questions that could be asked. Identify if the focus of your question is assessment, etiology, treatment, or prognosis.

The case study for this discussion is located in the Assignments tab for Unit 2.

Understanding PICO(T)-formatted clinical questions are important in nursing research. PICO(T) is a mnemonic used to describe the four or five elements of a good clinical question: POPULATION, INTERVENTION, COMPARISON, OUTCOME and TIMEFRAME (P,I,C,O,T). These components of a clinical question also represent different types of variables. The PICOT approach will help, clinicians and researchers, identify and answer relevant clinical study questions (Riva, J., Malik, K., Burnie, S., Endicott, A., and Busse, J. (2012).

The Course Outcomes (COs) we will apply in Unit 2 include:

· Examine the sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice.

· Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies.

For our discussion this week, please read the assigned CHF Case Study found in the Unit 2 Assignment tab. Formulate a searchable clinical question in the PICO (T) format based upon concerns in this case study. There are several potential questions that could be asked, but it is only necessary to identify ONE. Also, please determine the focus of your question: assessment, etiology, treatment, or prognosis.

In your post please state your PICO(T) question, including: 1. A question stated in an interrogatory form 2. PICO(T) components

This a research class please provide at least 1 professional resources (Reference) APA format pertaining to PICO (T).