Cause and Effect Concept Map and Report

You are required to develop a concept map and report on the topic Chronic Renal Failure.
Word count: Report – 750 words and Concept Map – one (1) A4 page
Due Date: Monday 08/04/2013
Submission details: Refer to Submission Requirements (p.19)
Marking Criteria and Standards: (See pages 13 – 15)
Aim of Assessment
The purpose of this assessment is threefold. For the student to:
1. Identify, using a visual format, the processes involved in health breakdown affecting alterations in any of the following areas, eating, drinking, nutrition, elimination and sexuality.
2. Briefly discuss pharmacological concepts and their safe, effective application in professional nursing care related to alterations in any of the following areas, eating, drinking, nutrition, elimination and sexuality.
3. Identify the use of specific diagnostic procedures that may be used to confirm specific health breakdown diagnoses relating to alterations in any of the following areas, eating, drinking, nutrition, elimination and sexuality.
Concept Map:
– The concept map must be computer generated.
-When researching the topic, use the template, as described in Lecture 1, to assist you in organizing your information. The template will also assist in identifying key concepts and their relationship/s.
-The concept map is to be illustrated on one A4 page. Use APA convention to reference citations in the concept map and include these in the reference list.
-Concept map development clearly, yet concisely summarizes the most important information identified into what is known as ‘key concepts’. It also conveys the relationships or links between these key concepts. Critical thinking and creativity are essential components of this assessment. Concept map design needs to be visually stimulating.
Concept Map Report:
– You are to answer two (2) questions related to the topic.
– You are expected to paraphrase the literature and reference all work