Briefly summarize the text by giving a quick overview of the story or poems setting characters and main plot points.

There is no firm length requirement, but you must write at least one healthy paragraph
(thats 4

5 sentences) doing ea
ch of the following:
Briefly summarize the text by giving a quick overview of the story or poems setting,
characters, and main plot points. You should cover who the major characters are, what
the setting is, what the main conflict is as you see it, and wh
at the resolution is.
Offer your interpretation: What themes, oppositions, and/or repetitions are there? In
other words, whats one thing you think the text argues? Be sure to give supporting
evidence: what in the text supports your interpretation and b
acks up your claims? Cite
specific passages using the authors last name and page or line numbers in MLA citation
format. No works cited page is needed.
Explore possible literary contexts: Do you see any similarities in style or content to
other pieces yo
uve read in or out of this class? Still nothing? How about movies or TV
shows? Or is any historical or biographical knowledge help out here?
How would you critique the ideas in the text? Do you agree or disagree

or some of

with the worldview the t
ext presents? Or are you not sure what to make of it; has
the text led you to questions you hadnt considered before?