Assess acurrentsemi-director indirect nursingsituationthatis inneedofchange.

Assess acurrentsemi-director indirect nursingsituationthatis inneedofchange.

NUR 204: Week 9 Assignment Page1`Assignment: Change Paper Assignment Overview In this assignment, you will assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is needsange.
Observe a healthcare environment, focusing on areas of the nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature. Diagnose the problem and choose a nursing change theory that suits the change(s) you want to make.
Propose a detailed plan based on your chosen change theory, explaining how to implement change.
Develop criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and include a timeline for your change proposal. Finally, reflect on how your change affects the nursing profession.
Assignment Details:Perform The Following Tasks:
·Completethereadingassignmentandtheinteractivelessonbeforeattemptingthis assignment.
·Assess acurrentsemi-director indirect nursingsituationthatis inneedofchange.
oObserveyour healthcare environment,focusing areas nursing process that are inefficient,unsafe,or problematic in nature.
oDiagnosethe problem and choose a nursing change theory that suits the change you want to make.
oProposeadetailedplanbasedon your chosen change theory,explaining how to implement change.
oDevelopcriteriatoevaluatetheeffectivenessoftheplanandincludeatimelineforyour changeproposal.oReflectonhowyour changeaffectsthenursingprofession.
·Write 4-5 page paper following the criteria below:
oYour paper shouldincludeprimarysourcesandincludeatleasttwopeer-reviewed nursingjournalarticles.
oCitations shouldbeinyour ownwords andnotdirectquotes.
Include title page,running head,appropriate headings,and references page.
oThepapershouldbedoublespaced,written in Times New Roman,12-point font, follow APA style format, and cite all sources correctly.
·Include The Proper File Naming Convention:NUR204_wk9_assn_jsmith_mmddyyy