Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components

Choose a borrowed theory and apply its framework to an advanced nursing issue (i.e., hostility in the workplace, instituting bedside reporting, and shared leadership).
•Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing.

As we have discussed in week 3 and 4, concepts are foundational to nursing theory. They are also key ingredients in the research process. Once nursing theories are developed, nurses begin a careful analysis of the theory in terms of utility and comprehensiveness. Within nursing, basic concepts such as caring, pain, comfort, spirituality, and empathy provide the foundation for a nursing theory. Once the foundation is laid, then consideration is given to the linkages among the various components of the theory. These linkages, or relational statements, provide meaning and structure to the theory. Relational statements describe and explain the function of each component of a theory.

For this discussion, please choose a borrowed theory and apply its framework to an advanced nursing issue (i.e., hostility in the workplace, instituting bedside reporting, and shared leadership).