Analyze the value of coaching within an organization.

Reflect on a situation where you may have lost your temper, cried, or showed other emotions you later regretted. Consider what caused you to lose control. Consider if you stopped to think before reacting. Consider how others reacted to your emotions and you felt afterwards. Then answer this question:

How has emotional intelligence played a part in your past when you might have lost your temper, cried, or showed other emotions you later regretted?

For the second paragraph of your post, select any one of the following bullet points and address all elements of your chosen bullet point:

Coaching is becoming a popular form of leadership. The International Coach Federation defines coaching as “Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential” (About, 2016, para. 9). Coaches provide an ongoing partnership that helps their coachees identify and achieve their personal and professional goals. With an organizational context, coaching is often performance oriented.

Assess whether every leader should be a coach. Should leaders be trained to coach their employees? Analyze the value of coaching within an organization. What qualities must an effective coach possess?


About. (2016). International Coach Federation. Retrieved September 28, 2016 from

The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.