Analyze the new health care system initiatives in the state of Massachusetts and in San Francisco,

Analyze the new health care system initiatives in the state of Massachusetts and in San Francisco,

In a three- to five-page essay, describe and analyze the new health care system initiatives in the state of Massachusetts and in San Francisco, CA . Compare the initiatives in terms of function, cost and outcome. Based on the narrative in the text, and information you can find on the Internet, do you think they should be replicated in other parts of the country? Defend your answer. Your final paper will require you to analyze a couple of efforts at healthcare reform and ask you to form your own conclusion and to also defend that opinion. While we have spent considerable time discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the healthcare system in the U.S., many people still consider this system to be the best in the world. What do you think? Your final paper will give you an opportunity to use your analytical skills, along with what you have learned in the course and in your personal experience to reach and support your own conclusion. However, you are also expected to support your opinions with citations from literature or