Analyze how group norms are formed and sustained within groups.

. Analyze why McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y have an impact on the study of
organizational behavior.

2. Is stereotyping negative or positive? Examine why stereotyping is so problematic for the
health care industry.

3. Classify and explain the competencies that are needed by managers for communicating with
external stakeholders.

Analyze McClelland’s 3-Needs Theory as it relates to a manager’s success in the workplace.

2. Examine the various reinforcement schedules and why their timing and frequency is important.

3. Evaluate how different types of attributions and attribution styles can encourage high or low
levels of learned helplessness, aggression, and empowerment.

1. Interpret the concept of learned optimism and how it relates to coping with stress by

2. Analyze why personalities, ethnicity, and gender may affect an individual’s level of stress.

3. Classify and evaluate the limitations of using intuitive and the heuristics or biases approach to

1. Analyze how group norms are formed and sustained within groups.

2. Classify and interpret the five stages of group development.

3. Analyze the various interventions used in the 00 process.