analysis of the future of Nursing and the role of the Consensus Model

Shared nursing governance model: Compare and contrast the organizational chart you identified to the shared governance model on Marquis and Huston (2015, p. 277). Consider major components of organizational structure and communication such as centrality and decentralization. Describe at least five of the “forces of magnetism” and compare how the magnet and non–magnet organizations meet them or need improvement in these areas (Marquis & Huston, 2015, p. 279, Display 12.5).

Key Core Vocabulary:  Consensus  Nursing practice  Quality  Healthcare Systems  RJW Foundation Initiative 

Role Consensus Model and the future of Nursing Analysis:
1. The students will prepare an analysis of the future of Nursing and the role of the Consensus Model in the Advance Nursing professional.

2. The group presentation will have 30-45 minutes length.

3. Due on Workshop 2