An overview of the nursing work

Identify ways in which history, language and culture have shaped nursing as a practice and as a scholarly discipline ESSAY PURPOSE: This essay will give you the opportunity to develop your understanding of how history, language and culture have shaped nursing practice. It will help you develop a deeper understanding of the codes and principles underpinning the practice of registered nurses in Australia and how they can be applied to a real world setting. Completing this essay will also further develop your academic and information literacy skills. ESSAY QUESTION: Research the nursing work of one of the nurses mentioned in chapter two of your prescribed text. Based on this research how would your chosen nurse measure up against the current Australian Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse? Prescribed Text: Daly, J., Speedy, S., & Jackson, D. (Eds). (2014). Contexts of nursing. (4th ed), Elsevier Australia, Chatswood, NSW. It is expected that your essay will address/contain the following information: 1. The name of your chosen nurse. 2. An overview of the nursing work carried out by your chosen nurse. 3. A discussion and/or evaluation of how your chosen nurse would measure up against the current Australian Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse. REFERENCES:……………… Please note: 1. A minimum of four peer reviewed journal articles must required. Rest can be from other trusted and relevant sources. Remember, your in-text citations consist of author and date. So in regards to eg. the nursing standard, your very first citation would be:(Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA], 2006). Now you have explained what NMBA stands for and you can simply use NMBA in your citations: (NMBA, 2006) When referring to a specific section in your standard, there are two options. You could say something along the lines of: According to Standard 2.1 ………………. (NMBA, 2006). If you don’t refer to the specific standard number in your sentence, your citation would be (NMBA, 2006, Standard 2.1). That would clearly pinpoint where you got the information from and what you are referring to. -Peer reviewed journal articles are your best sources. Avoid non-refereed sources such as editorials, monthly columns or non-refereed journals. -It is useful to include your set text as a reference but otherwise keep the number of books to a minimum. -Your reference list should contain a minimum of 4 scholarly journal articles that are no older than 5-8 years. Do not use Wikipedia or dictionaries. -Information gained from Internet sites varies greatly in depth and quality of content. -Internet sites should be avoided and if used then thy must be relevant and reputable, for example, the NMBA website. -To find appropriate sources, use the CDU library online journal databases. WRITING requirements: -Write in the third person; avoid personal pronouns such as ‘I’ and ‘you’. -Avoid long, confusing sentences and check that your tenses (past, present and future) are consistent within the same sentence. -Avoid posing questions; work the information into the paragraph. -Use plain English. It is essential your meaning is clear and that you demonstrate your understanding of the nature of the topic. -Write your essay according to the marking rubric/criteria file attached, as this is where lecturers mark from. – use double spacing; -Justify left and right: -Hit enter twice between paragraphs: -Do not use headings or dot points; Writing Tips: Must follow: As you construct your essay you need to: -Use correct punctuation, spelling and syntax (sentence structure) -Paraphrase ideas from your reading/research, don’t just copy them -Avoid use of direct quotations. -Ensure you use correct APA 6th referencing style. The NUR 120 Learning Outcomes addressed by this assignment include: On completion of this unit a student should be able to: 1. Identify ways in which history, language and culture have shaped nursing as a practice and as a scholarly discipline; 2. Articulate the key principles underlying ethical, legal and professional guidelines and codes that underpin the practice of registered nurses in Australia. 3. Demonstrate developing skills in academic and information literacy that provide a foundation for evidence based nursing. 4. Articulate and define the NMBA Competency Standards, Codes of Ethics and Codes of Practice for the Registered Nurse. 5. Develop a critical and reflective approach to nursing practice. Please assign Top 10 PHD expert Aussie writer. Please follow all the instructions. Academic needs and requirements of this essay. Write perfectly to score grade A+.