Explain the evaluation process that would be used to determine if your stated policy objective(s) could be met.

Using your chosen topic from Week 2, write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on your topic becomes a policy. In your paper, include the following information:

Topic: Uninsurance Rates and the Affordable Care Act

Define Evaluation stage:
Explain the evaluation process that would be used to determine if your stated policy objective(s) could be met.
Define Analysis stage:
Explain what factors could prevent your policy objective(s) from being achieved.
Explain what factors you feel could contribute to your policy meeting its objective(s)
Define Revision stage
Explain required revisions to the policy resulting from factors identified in the analysis stage.

Cite a minimum of four references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Uninsurance Rates and the Affordable Care Act

Khamieko Tate

July 27, 2016

University of Phoenix


The objective of the Un-insurance Rates and the Affordable Care Act is mainly to reform the private markets of insurance especially for the individuals and the small purchasers group. Moreover, it aims at expanding the Medicaid so that it can work with the poor. This implies that the individuals who are earning an income of up to one hundred and thirty-three percent of the poverty level as depicted by the federal level be included in the insurance plan for their health. Most importantly, the policy aims at changing the way the medical decisions in the healthcare facilities are made. These objectives are meant to rely mainly on the private choices rather than the regulations of the government as well as the rooted expectations emanating from the rational processes of decision-making.

The formulation is the second stage in which the policy processes are done and entails the proposal of the solutions to the issues regarding the agenda issues. The policy formulation entails the discussion by the policy makers as well as suggestions of the approaches which are deemed to be very correct with regards to solving the available problems which had been raised by the agenda. Notably, it is an essential to choose from the available multiple potential paths which will correct the problems at hand. In this regards, the ultimate policy is mainly chosen to resolve the issues at hand, and this depends mainly on the validity of the ways which can be efficient when it comes to solving the issues. As well, this entails the analysis and the identification of the available alternatives to solving such issues. Most importantly, the policies should be feasible politically (Pflug & Pichler, 2014).

The process regarding the formulation of the policy together with the involvement of stakeholders is very useful as the stakeholders will have the duties to project the planning activities which are related to the formulation of the objectives. This entails the identification of the objectives as well as coming up with the specifications of the required project and the resources which are needed for the success of the project. Moreover, they have the opportunities to respond to the critical events and the evaluation of the activities together with the outcomes. In this regards, the stakeholder’s participation in the planning process of the formulation will result in the reduction of the distruct in the process outcomes and thus heightening the credibility of the project.

The legislative processes entail the committee action where the subcommittees review some of the proposed legislation and most importantly hold hearings where the experts together with the stakeholders testify regarding the potential effects of such legislation. In this stage, the bill is edited, and the committees make the approval votes regarding such legislation. The major committees in these regards touch on the Medicaid and Medicare issues and mostly the health issues touching on the affordable care act.

When one committee approves the bill, it is then sent to the floor of the chamber where it is voted for or against. Notably, the bill must pass the House of the Congress so that it can be declared as a law. In all the processes of legislation, it is extremely very complicated to bring the bill up so that it can be voted for or against unless the majority party has made a schedule regarding it. Mostly, the majorities which are required are approximately two hundred and eighteen out of four hundred and thirty-five so as the bill can be passed as well as amended (Minnesota Continuing Legal Education, 2015).

The legislative body’s approval process needed to gain support such as funding especially for the policy and mainly regarding the way the stakeholders influence legislators’ decisions since the budget outlines the way the revenues and the estimates of the upcoming fiscal year can be spent. In this regards, the Congress should be involved when passing a budget resolution annually. The resolution of the budget does not necessarily require the signature of the president and thus not binding as it will not have the statutory law force.

The implementation stage entails the Initial and the final implementation. In the initial implementation, it is as well known as the awkward stage which after working through all the stages, the implementation is the next as well as the final stage. In this phase, the best laid out plans will offer the opportunities which can be used to obtain better outcomes. In supporting the leadership in the implementation, the teamwork will be crucial as the challenges which can be faced by the staff due to the fear of the change will be witnessed. In this regards, there is a correlation which exists between the time which is taken and the stage of exploration which will push up the experience especially during this stage of initial implementation. Therefore, it is deemed that the facility will learn from mistakes and develop the systems when appropriate rather than allowing the reemergence of the problem.

In the final implementation, innovations can be seen to occur with the acts of new learning which can be integrated into all the regions. Such innovations can become an acceptable practice, and the health facilities will continue as usual with the improved offering of the services. In order to maintain the efficiency of the implemented policies, the facilities ought to be to assess the fidelity as Well as an intervention to the process of the implementation which will act to ensure that the decision-making is effective, and the services are efficient (Edwards & Coyne, 2012).

The accountable parties who are involved in the various stages of implementation include the stakeholders who are responsible for ensuring that the stage of implementation obtains the required resources so that its success can be achieved. In this regards, they provide for such resources and the advice so that it can be implemented smoothly. Additionally, the experts who will train the users of the newly adopted system are involved. They are responsible for ensuring that the staff members do not a face any difficulty when they are operating under the newly developed policies regarding the functions of the policies. Most importantly, the staff should be included as they are the main people who will be responsible for the implementation of the policies above. By involving them, they will be able to understand how the system works and thus adjust properly so that they can adjust to it.


Edwards, S. L., & Coyne, I. (2012). A Survival Guide to Children’s Nursing. London: Elsevier Health Sciences UK.

Minnesota Continuing Legal Education. (2015). Minnesota legislative process.

Pflug, G. C., & Pichler, A. (2014). Multistage Stochastic Optimization. (Multistage stochastic optimization.) Cham: Springer International Publishing.