Factors to consider (market considerations, laws and regulations, financing)

Use course material and additional references to develop a proposal for a specific program for older adults and/or their families. Assume that your budget is flexible but consider real world limitations to implementing the program. What is your theoretical and research informed rationale for the program you propose? Who will be targeted to participate? Who will staff the program; what will their qualifications be? What pre-service and in-service training will they receive? What obstacles do you anticipate encountering with the development and implementation of the program? How will you determine the effectiveness of the program? How will you market the program (advertising, a logo, the name of the program, etc.)? How will you meet the needs of diverse constituents served by the program? This must be an original proposal and may not duplicate one prepared for another course. Please include the following:

Goals of Program
Factors to consider (market considerations, laws and regulations, financing)
To what extent will your program promote aging in place? Coordinate services? Provide new services? Target? Integrate with other agencies/programs? How will you finance?
Who benefits?
Who will perform the tasks, and what do tasks entail?

Research literature and other sources: Retrieve and read at least 10 recent peer-reviewed journal articles, government websites (not more than 3 websites) and/or book chapters on your topic. Sources should be from 2002 to present. Recommended databases include: PsycInfo, CINAHL (Nursing and Allied Health Literature), AgeLine, Social Work Abstracts.

Project 2 should be 10-15 double spaced pages, not including the title or reference page. Include page numbers. Written assignments may include exhibits or other attachments, but these will not be considered part of the page requirements.

The paper should include the following:

Title Page: Include title of paper, student’s name, course and section, due date
Introduction: Introduce your topic, state its importance to older adults and the gerontology community, and briefly mention the main concepts or ideas your paper will address
Body: Identify and develop each of your main points in an organized, clear manner using in-text citations. Do not include pictures, graphs or lists in the body of the paper. If needed to support facts provided, place them at the end of the paper as an addendum. Reference them in the body of the paper. They will not count towards paper length.
Conclusion: Briefly summarize the main points of your paper and directions for future research, policy, or programs to support the well-being of older adults
Reference list: Should contain a comprehensive Reference list of all sources actually used in preparing the project, according to the APA style. See Syllabus
Timely Submission: The paper must be submitted to the designated assignment folder by the due date.
Format: (margins, bibliography, references, etc.) APA format. For details on APA formatting and online database citation, refer to: www.umuc.edu/library/guides/apa.html
Original work: Do not cut and paste from the Internet. This is plagiarism. Always read first, and then paraphrase using a citation to give credit to the original source. Please follow the link for UMUC’s Policy on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism. Similarly, do not submit a paper to this class that you have already submitted to another class. Doing so will result in failure of the project.