Overview of the Model or Magnet Designation

– 110 points Provide an overview of how the professional practice model or Magnet designation supports or recognizes the quality of nursing and health care provided in an organization. Include the history of the model or Magnet as well as the components of it.

Cite sources from the professional literature to support the information in this section. This is usually 3 paragraphs. Influence of this Model or Program on Change in Health Care Organizations – 150 points Discuss at least 3 specific ways in which preparing for implementing and maintaining the professional practice model or Magnet influences change in organizations. It is through implementation of the components of the model or designation that affects change. Cite sources from the professional literature to support the information in this section. This is 3 – 4 paragraphs. Summary – 20 points End the paper with a one-paragraph summary of the main points of the paper. Format/Style Proofread the paper and correct any typos, grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, or APA format errors before submitting your paper. Up to 50 points can be deducted from the grade for this assignment for these types of errors, or for not using at least the minimum number of required professional literature references. Total points for assignment = 300 points. References List your five different references here. Be sure that they are current (five years or less) and formatted per APA Style. Huston, C. J. (2014). Professional issues in nursing: Challenges and opportunities (3rd ed). New York: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Mason, D. J, Leavitt, J. K., & Chaffee, M. W.(2014). Policy and politics in nursing and health care (6th ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.