How much money would a typical consumer save each month as a result of the proposed legislation?

You are an assistant to a senator who chairs an ad hoe committee on reforming taxes o telecommunic Show more You are an assistant to a senator who chairs an ad hoe committee on reforming taxes o telecommunication services. Based on your research AT&T has spent over $15 million on related paperwork and compliance costs Moreover depending on the locale telecom taxes can amount to as much as 25 percent of a consumers phone bill. These high tax rates on telecom services have become quite controversial due to the fact that the regulation of the telecom industry has led to a highly competitive market. Your best estimates indicate that based on current tax rates the monthly market demand for telecommunication services is given by Qd=250 -5P and the market supplying (including taxes) is Qs=4P-110(both in millions) where P is the monthly price of telecommunication services. The senator is considering tax reform that would dramatically cut tax rates leading to a supply function reform that would dramatically cut tax rates leading to a supply function under the new tax policy of Q^s= 4.171P -110. How much money would a typical consumer save each month as a result of the proposed legislation? Show less