Which of the following factors increases the tendency to conform

Which of the following factors decreases the tendency to conform? A) low self-esteem B) lack of familiarity with the task C) valuing being right over being liked D) social shyness 2.

Lisa has been invited to a party. Immediately after receiving the invitation, she meets with a group of friends to discuss what they plan to wear to the party. Lisa then makes the decision on what she will wear. Lisas party dressing behavior demonstrates A) obedience to an authority B) conformity C) social decision scheme D)

groupthink. 3. Your boss tells you to report to work at 3:00 a.m. You are not happy about reporting to work at such an unusual hour, yet you report as requested. Your behavior is an example of A) obedience. B) groupthink C) conformity D) deindividuation 4. Franko goes out on a date with a new girl in whom he is very interested. It goes badly. He is most likely to attribute this failure to A) her mood. B) his own lack of charm C) his bad timing D) all of these 5. Diema is standing in line in school. While he isnt looking, another boy steps on Diemas toe. Diema believes the other boy stepped on his toe because that boy is mean, stupid, and probably wanted to step on him.

Diema is making a __________ attribution. A) dispositional B) fundamental C) situational D) all of these 6. If the United States attributes too much of Iraqs behavior to dispositional factors, it is A) behaving according to the theory of the decline of the West. B) following the tenets of socialism C) making the fundamental attribution error. D) all of these 7. During the Civil War, members of the North and South probably judged the opposition as A) equal victims in a tragedy B) equally aggressive as themselves. C) the victims. D) vicious killers who wanted to steal their homes 8.

When the teacher and student were in separate rooms in Milgrams experiment, the victim was depersonalized and this A) decreased the level of obedience B) increased the level of obedience. C) had no affect on obedience D) none of these 9. Which of the following factors increases the tendency to conform?a.

belonging to an individualistic society c. b. d. A) belonging to an individualistic society B) social shyness C) high self-esteem D) all of these 10. Yevhen is standing in line at school. When he isnt looking, another boy steps on his toe. Yevhen says to himself: He must have stepped on my toe because its so crowded in here and somebody else pushed this guy; it was probably an accident.

Yevhen is making a __________ attribution. A) dispositional B) motivational C) situational D) fundamental 11. Katie is excessively fearful of doing something that will be humiliating or embarrassing when in public. What would psychologists be likely to diagnose Katie with? A) social phobia B) claustrophobia C) acrophobia D) agoraphobia 12. A womans preoccupation with the thought of her house burning down makes her become so troubled that she must begin to get ready for work an hour earlier than is necessary. She needs the extra time as she compulsively checks and rechecks all of the electrical appliances and outlets in her home.

A doctor is likely to conclude that this behavior warrants a diagnosis of A) obsessive-compulsive disorder B) neurosis C) delusional disorder D) panic compulsion disorder. 13. People experiencing a __________ are often aware of cardiac sensations and often think they are having a heart attack. A) generalized anxiety disorder B) panic attack C) specific phobia D) delusion 14. Kevin keeps thinking he is an evil, unclean person who is capable of committing murder, even though he would never do such a thing. He tries to put the thoughts out of his mind by washing his hands 15 to 20 times a day. Kevin demonstrates A) generalized anxiety disorder.

B) acute stress disorder C) obsessive-compulsive disorder. D) panic disorder 15. Marsha is a firefighter who witnessed the death of a friend and coworker 6 months ago. She tried to save a child who was trapped in a burning building. Marsha is now having nightmares and keeps reliving the tragedy in her thoughts and dreams. She has been avoiding work and cant stand to hear a siren. Marsha is most likely experiencing A) generalized anxiety disorder B) panic disorder C) post-traumatic stress disorder D) pyrophobia 16. Jane has blackout periods where she cant remember what she did or where she was.

She found clothing in her closet that she would never wear and doesnt know how it got there. When she goes to see the doctor she introduces herself as Suzy. Jane seems to be exhibiting A) dissociative amnesia B) dissociative identity disorder C) depersonalization disorder. D) dissociative fugue 17. For as long as Shelley can remember, her grandmother has always been sick. She goes from doctor to doctor, even though they keep telling her she is in excellent health. Her grandmother insists the doctors dont know what they are talking about. She is sure she has some terrible disease. The doctor explains to Shelley that her grandmother is exhibiting A)

conversion disorder B) hypochondriasis. C) pain disorder D) disease phobia. 18. Kim has a poor appetite and has experienced serious weight loss. She is unable to concentrate and make decisions. She often expresses feeling unworthy and guilty for things she has not done. She says she no longer cares about life and has talked about death and how she would welcome it.

Psychologists would likely diagnose Kim with which of the following disorders? A) schizophrenia B) major depression C) bipolar disorder D) conversion disorder 19. Craig is talking with his therapist, who cant get a word in the conversation. Craig just keeps talking about everything and anything.

He is very restless and cant sit still. In past therapy sessions, Craig has been withdrawn and lethargic. It is likely Craig is exhibiting A) major depression B) depersonalization disorder C) bipolar disorder. D) multiple personality disorder 20. The difference between major depression and run-of-the-mill depression is that A) major depression is less likely to result in suicide B) the depression is less severe C) the depression lasts longer D) the feelings are more intense.