In what ways did this assignment reinforce or add to your understanding of work with families?

This assignment requires you to demonstrate your understanding of social work practice with families, including the skills used to engage with all family members, the ability to understand the
familys needs, strengths, and resources, and the ability to plan for practice evaluation. Select a family from a case study or film from class and address the following: • Discuss the two-client
concept and its relevance for effective practice with families. • Discuss how you would engage the family and the skills required to effectively assess the needs of the family and how to
• Select a theoretical framework discussed this semester and briefly summarize in your own words what it means to work with a family using this approach.
• Reflect on the philosophy, approaches, and assumption of this approach.
• Discuss and provide examples of the skills related to the beginning, middle (demand for work skills) and termination phases of practice? Use and cite your text book for a reference.
• Discuss how you would work from a strengths based frame with this family.
• Discuss the idea of reframing and its clinical significance for working with families. Use the family you selected for the assignment and provide a clear example to support your answer.
• Consider the value in planning for outcome evaluation from the beginning of your intervention. Based on your assessment and plan, describe the clients goals and your interventions to achieve
• Briefly describe a specific method for evaluating the work you would do with this family. Would you use a standardized tool, something you would develop yourself (with the client), other
available data, or some other tool for your practice evaluation?
• Is the tool culturally sensitive? How would your method of practice evaluation help you to observe client progress, and to consider alternative methods of intervention as needed?
• In what ways did this assignment reinforce or add to your understanding of work with families? Are there ways in which you could use this knowledge in your current or past field work?