Which model of reflection are you going to use to structure your thoughts about your experiences in the seminar group?

Whats the module all about? Module and Programme Learning Outcomes Assessments Handing in your work Texts At-a-glance module calendar Assessment Workshops
Personal and professional development (PPD) are key elements that can facilitate your growth and is therefore an essential part of the counselling programme. The BACP (2009), in their professional standards document, strongly recommends that students develop their personal and professional awareness. It is therefore important that you become aware of your own boundaries, responsibilities, limitations and strengths in relation to others. The focus of this module is on the relational elements of being in a group, that is your engagement with your fellow colleagues in the group seminars, and your management of the group processes. The use of personal reflection and awareness is central to counselling, the aim of this module is to provide you with an opportunity to engage with the value of PPD and the role it has within the counselling profession. As part of this module you will also be introduced to the various methodologies used for reflective learning, and their application to personal and professional development. Attendance in seminars per semester is expected at a minimum of 80% i.e. 10 weeks out of a 12 week semester. This is in line with the BACP requirements for accreditation .
This module has its own specific aims, learning outcomes and also contributes to the programme learning outcomes. Aims of the module: That the student will: 1. Be introduced to reflective self-awareness techniques and interpersonal skills 2. Develop an understanding of interpersonal processes and their interpersonal skills 3. Gain greater understanding of themselves 4. Develop their reflective skills in relation to feedback they receive. Module Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module you will be able to: 1. describe models of self-reflection 2. explain your development in relation to the BACP Code of Ethics 3. reflect upon experiences that have influenced your choice of career 4. reflect on feedback received and identify areas of growth 5. articulate your thoughts using written and presentation skills Programme Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module you will have worked towards the following programme outcomes: 1. (B1) ability to be critically reflexive in the application of theories to counselling practice. 2. (B2) ability to integrate personal experience/personal development and research findings in the synthesis of counselling knowledge. 3. (C1) use counselling skills and knowledge effectively. 4. (C2) use supervision and consultation with colleagues effectively. 5. (D1) recognise the need to inform knowledge and skills through the use of evidence based practice. 6 (D2) communicate effectively, through a variety of mediums 7. (D3) to work independently, managing time, needs, professional boundaries and deadlines. 8. (D4) work effectively within a group.
Assessment task: In no more than 500 words describe your experience of being in your seminar group and identify how you might present this information in your summative 2 submission. Guidance on answering assessment questions: You may find it helpful to include the following: • Which model of reflection are you going to use to structure your thoughts about your experiences in the seminar group? • How are you going to structure your poster/PowerPoint presentation? • How will you ensure that you meet the module learning outcomes in your presentation? • What PPD theories have you learnt? NOTE: It is highly recommended that all students submit Assessment 1. The primary purpose of this assessment halfway through your module is to stimulate and focus your thinking regarding Assessment 2. This also allows you to receive feedback from your tutor regarding your focus on the assignment to ensure that you are on the right track. In addition, it acts as a warning that assessments will need to be submitted soon. It takes more than a single draft of an assessment to get good marks. This is the first step in the planning your assessment. Date assessment due: 20 June 2015 by 23:59. This is to be submitted on this date. The presentations will be scheduled from this date forward. If you do not present you will have deemed not to have submitted your work and you will get a grade of zero, even if you have uploaded your work. Assessment task: Oral presentation outlining your experience of the PPD groups, lectures and seminars Guidance on addressing the assessment tasks: • Your presentation needs to be no longer than 15 minutes, there will be an additional 5 minutes for questions and answers Assessment 2: Oral presentation 90% A
Oral presentation outlining your experience of the PPD groups, lectures and seminars Guidance on addressing the assessment tasks:
• Your presentation needs to be no longer than 15 minutes, there will be an additional 5 minutes for questions and answers Assessment 2: Oral presentation 90% Assessment 1: A written account of your experience of PPD so far. 10% 2015CHECK (500 words) Assessment description (e.g. Essay on…) (%) Section 3: Assessments Module: PPD 1 Level 4 15p1 Author: Joan Dallas and Stephan Dais 6
• Your poster or PowerPoint presentation needs to be converted to a pdf document
• Use a model of reflection to structure your summary
• Your summary needs to have academic support from the literature and theory e.g. what principles of giving and receiving feedback have you learnt that it would be useful to include in your summary? Presentations will begin the week beginning 20 June 2015 you will need to bring it in on USB and save it in your MyDay account and have uploaded this onto NewLearning. . Your assessment tasks are designed to show that you can meet the learning outcomes of the module: Learning outcome 1
A1: Describe models of selfreflection
2 B1: Explain their own development in relation to the BACP Code of Ethics
3 B2: Reflect upon experiences that have influenced their choice of career
4 C1:Reflect on feedback received and identify areas of growth
5 D1:Articulate their thoughts within written and presentation skills Assessment task Poster/PowerPoint Presentation X X X X X How assessment tasks map against module learning
These are the broad guidelines used by lecturers when grading your assignments. Please follow these to ensure you get good grades overall. Criteria Weighting % Grade 1 st 2.1 2.2 3 rd F Subject specific knowledge and understanding 25% Knowledge Authoritative handling of complex material Demonstrates sound knowledge Satisfactory general knowledge of main issues Limited knowledge of course material Factual knowledge inaccurate 15% Understanding Clear evidence of theory into practice Sound evidence of theory into practice Satisfactory evidence of theory into practice Little evidence of theory into practice No evidence of theory into practice 10% Information Excellent range of relevant information Good range of relevant information Adequate range of relevant information Superficial use of relevant information Information not wholly relevant Critical analysis and thought development 10% Analysis Attention to detail, precision of thought Logical, generally thorough Logical, but some lapses in attention to detail Lack of attention to detail, imprecise analysis Weak or little analysis 10% Synthesis Clear arguments, clear justification Good arguments, good justification Adequate arguments some justification Descriptive with undeveloped arguments Lacks synthesis, statements only, no justification 5% Sources Extensive and in depth Wide and in depth Adequate evidence of reading Limited evidence of reading Lacks evidence of relevant reading 5% Structure Well structured and lucid Coherent soundly structured Reasonably lucid adequate structure Imbalance in given information Lacks structure Presentation 5% Layout Sound organisation , correct use of guidelines Correct use of guidelines but with minor errors Adequate use of guidelines with minor errors Some major errors in use of guidelines Guidelines not followed 5% Editing No errors Minimal errors in proof reading Some minors errors in proof reading Some major errors in proof reading Inadequate proof reading 10% Referencing Referencing and annotation correct A few references and annotation incorrect
These are the reading materials
you will need to cover for your module.