Identify and describe a problemor area for improvement (focus on Rural Health) in a clinical setting

Identify and describe a problem/area for improvement (focus on Rural Health) in a clinical setting

Identify and describe a problem/area for improvement (focus on Rural Health) in a clinical setting 50pts
Identifies and describes guidelines for solutions to the problem 50pts Total 100
Be concise/strong in your paper:
1. Access the Guideline and Measure Summaries (these were previously included on the National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) and National Quality Measures Clearinghouse (NQMC) websites, but now just the summaries are available via AHRQ) to identify guidelines you can adopt to provide evidence-based solutions to the problem. Another resource is The Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation document from NIH.

• Browse the following websites/ and might be helpful :
o AHRQ Innovation Exchange.
o Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project (MBQIP).
• Review the following quality improvement resources:
o Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality.
o American Health Quality Association.
o Institute of Healthcare Improvement.
 Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle.
o National Association of Healthcare Quality.
o National Quality Forum.
o Six Sigma.

2. Compose a CONCISE ONE PAGE summary document to include the following:
a. A description of the clinical microsystem problem, potential problem, or area for improvement that you identified.
b. A description of possible evidence-based solutions based on guidelines from the NGC.