Post 1 Choose two terms from the Elements of Fiction lecture and apply them to The Fall of the House of Usher.


Post 1: Choose two terms from the Elements of Fiction lecture and apply them to “The Fall of the House of Usher.”  You learned in the Authors lecture that Poe is considered to be “the father of the modern-day short story.”  Did you find his story engaging?  Why do you think his works remain popular more than 150 years later?  Be sure to quote, cite, and reference from the text(s) using appropriate APA format.  Your post must be at least 250 words



Post 2: According to the biography in your textbook, Paul Laurence Dunbar wanted “to interpret my own people through song and story, and prove to the many that we are more human than African.”  The same argument could be made that Chopin and Gilman, both female, were attempting to prove that they were more human than woman.  From the assigned readings, choose works from at least two of the authors and explain how the writer attempts to illustrate this idea.  Is he/she successful?  Be sure to quote, cite, and reference from the text(s) using appropriate APA format.  Your post must be at least 250 words



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