What are the values expressed in Barack Obamas A More Perfect Union?

Assess the values and rhetorical methods of Abraham Lincoln’s “Second Inaugural Address” and Senator Barack Obama’s “A More Perfect Union.”

Assess the values of the cultural artifact of your Cultural Commonplace Speech assignment.


This lesson’s assignment has two parts. Please be sure to complete both parts in a single Word document and submit it to complete the assignment.

Part I

In an essay of approximately 300–400 words, answer the following questions:

  1. What are the values expressed in Lincoln’s “Second Inaugural Address”? How do the passages from the text try to persuade you to accept these values?
  2. What are the values expressed in Barack Obama’s “A More Perfect Union”? How do the passages from the text try to persuade you to accept these values?
  3. What do these two speeches have in common, in terms of values and in terms of persuasive strategies? Draw on and cite the additional readings for this lesson, as needed.

Part II

Consider the cultural artifact you will analyze for your Cultural Commonplaces speech. Make a list of five values that you think are expressed by the artifact and explain how they are expressed by the artifact. Your answer should be approximately 300 words.