Which viewpoint is more compelling? Why?

There are two topics that you can pick from and which ever one is of more interest to you we’ll go with that and then I will upload that particular chapter for you to read. (the chapters are all very short, only a couple of pages long).

1) John Kroger and Kenneth Cuccinelli (chapter 1, John Rourke’s book) offer different perspectives on constitutionality of the mandate requiring individuals to buy health insurance. Which viewpoint is more compelling? Why?

2) Monica Youn and Todd Henderson (chapter 8, John Rourke’s book) offer different perspectives on whether corporations should be permitted to participate in election campaigns. Which viewpoint is more compelling? Why?

The essay should be anywhere from 5-8 pages in length and should include a short hypothesis upfront, the main section and the conclusion. In the main section, you should introduce critical and analytical arguments to substantiate your hypothesis. Your conclusion should revisit your hypothesis on the basis of your analysis. The essay will be graded primarily on the basis of quality of your critical argument and analytical considerations. Structure and composition will also be graded. The essay has to be well structured and well written in addition to addressing the specific assignment question. All borrowed material should be properly referenced with footnotes. Bibliography of all sources used should also be included. This assignment does not require the research of the material beyond the texts assigned for the course. Use your knowledge and your best judgment when deciding which facts or opinions to introduce to support your hypothesis, but do not forget to refute the opposition’s argument: your opinion, whatever it is, is not the only one on the issue you address.