Which of the following statements about the characteristics of debt and equity are true?

Topic: Chapter 2.1 Function of Financial Markets
Question Status: Previous Edition

9) Which of the following are securities?
A) A certificate of deposit
B) A share of Texaco common stock
C) A Treasury bill
D) All of the above
E) Only A and B of the above
Answer: D
Topic: Chapter 2.2 Structure of Financial Markets
Question Status: Previous Edition
10) Which of the following statements about the characteristics of debt and equity are true?
A) They both can be long-term financial instruments.
B) They both involve a claim on the issuer’s income.
C) They both enable a corporation to raise funds.
D) All of the above.
E) Only A and B of the above.
Answer: D
Topic: Chapter 2.2 Structure of Financial Markets
Question Status: Previous Edition

11) The money market is the market in which ________ are traded.
A) new issues of securities
B) previously issued securities
C) short-term debt instruments
D) long-term debt and equity instruments
Answer: C
Topic: Chapter 2.2 Structure of Financial Markets
Question Status: Previous Edition

12) Long-term debt and equity instruments are traded in the ________ market.
A) primary
B) secondary
C) capital
D) money
Answer: C
Topic: Chapter 2.2 Structure of Financial Markets
Question Status: Previous Edition

13) Which of the following are primary markets?
A) The New York Stock Exchange
B) The U.S. government bond market
C) The over-the-counter stock market
D) The options markets
E) None of the above
Answer: E
Topic: Chapter 2.2 Structure of Financial Markets
Question Status: Previous Edition