What type of diagnostic tests will the doctor order to further assess Mr. Bs heart failure?

Mr. B. is independent, lives alone, and has a
daughter. His daughter indicated that he was recently seen in the Emergency Department (ED) for chest pains 2 weeks ago. She also noted that he seems much more
fatigued and is less and less able to manage his usual, basic activities. He arrives to your ED with complaints of fatigue, shortness of breath, dyspnea, and
intermittent palpitations. Physical Assessment:Neuro: Follows commands, moves all extremities equally. Complains of intermittent dizziness.Pulmonary: Respirations rapid, crackles in all lobes.GI: Normal bowel sounds.Heart: Audible S3 and S4 heart tones, pulse rapid and irregular, peripheral pulses present, but weak. Complains of palpitations. Mr. B. has Jugular vein distention.
Vital signs: HR: 114 and irregular Respiratory rate: 28 BP: 102/56 Temp: 98 F Wt: 175 lbs (5 lbs more than last ED visit)
Na 132 ABG K 3.5 pH 7.31Cl 111 CO2 50BUN 28 HCO3 22Cr 1.6 PaO2 60Glucose 148 Current medications:Lisinopril, Coreg, Lasix, Potassium, Imdur, ASA, Metformin, Glimepiride

Content: Wagner & Hardin-Pierce, (2014): Module 13, 14 and 7******************************************************************************1. On your initial assessment of Mr. B, which physical findings coincide with the diagnosis of heart failure and what do these findings suggest? (1.25 point)

2. Review Mr. Bs EKG strip. Analyze the rhythm. (1.5 points)

a. Measure the heart rate: b. Examine the R-R interval: c. Examine the P wave and measure the PR interval: d. Examine and measure the QRS complex: e. Measure the QT interval: f. Diagnose the rhythm:
3. Explain why it will be important to weigh Mr. B each day during his hospital stay. How and why should this be addressed in discharge planning? (.75 points)
4. What type of diagnostic tests will the doctor order to further assess Mr. Bs heart failure? What do these tests determine and why are they important? (.75
5. What are the stages of Heart Failure and which stage fits Mr. B.? Explain why. (1.5 points)
6. What are the nursing assessments for Mr. B? Why are these important? (.75 points)7. What conditions may increase the risk for developing heart failure? (.25 points)8. Explain the use of Coreg, note the classification, action, main side effect, and nursing considerations that apply to Mr. B. (1.25 points)