What resources or support services can you identify to assist you in this shuafion?

Interesting, complex, original, cogent, excellent critical discussion

related to ANMC competency standards that are expertly supported with literature

03. As a Registered Nurse, priorto administering any

medication, what key information related to the pharmacology ofthe medication should you have a comprehensive knowledge of? (250 words)
(Discussion ofkey information related to the pharmacology ofthe medication priorto administration) (Outstanding, clear, concise and
expert identification and critical discussion ofkey factors related to the pharmacology priorto medication administration.


complex, original, cogent, excellent critical discussion related to the pharmacology priorto medication administration.

04. The following

morning you are on a day shift, the Nurse Unit Manager asks you into the office. She informs you that the adverse drug administration has
been logged on the hospital incident management system (IMS) and that you are required to write a report and also be interviewed by the RCA
(Route Cause Analysis) team. You are feeling very apprehensive about writing the report and meeting the RCAteam regarding this incident. In
250 words, what are the main points you will cover in the report? What resources or support services can you identify to assist you in this

(Identifies resources and support services to assist in completing an incident report)

(and expert identification and critical

discussion of resources and support services to assist in completing an incident report. Interesting, complex, original, cogent, excellent
critical discussion related to completing an incident report.