What is the name of the price at which one currency exchanges for another currency?

1. What is the name of the price at w Show more Please help! I need accurate answers asap! Thanks in advance! 1. What is the name of the price at which one currency exchanges for another currency? A. foreign exchange rate B. currency exchange rate C. net export exchange rate D. money exchange rate E. value of the dollar 2. Fiscal policy includes all but which of the following? A. corporate income tax cuts B. interest rate cuts C. income tax increases D. increase in government spending on homeland security E. increase in unemployment insurance 3. If the government wished to increase aggregate demand through fiscal policy which set of policies would it pursue? A. a tax cut combined with spending cuts B. a tax increase combined with spending cuts C. spending increases combined with tax cuts D. any of the above E. none of the above 4. The aggregate-supply curve can be shifted to the right by all but which of the following? A. discovery of new oil reserves B. new technologies C. a tax increase D. an increase in immigration E. investment tax credit Show less