What is the difference between a boulder and an outcrop?

Answer the questions and be as detailed as possible.
1) What is the difference between a boulder and an outcrop?
2) What does “difference of erosion” mean?
3) Given the length of the folding layer of an area is 10 footlengths, the straight-line distance is 5 footlengths, the approximate shortening percent of deformation (folding) is 50. What does this tell us?
4) What is the significance between the granite, pegmatite, and the underlying schist?
5) There are grooves parallel to the layers and grooves perpendicular to bedding. What processes caused both sets of grooves? a. Could the perpendicular grooves be due to differential erosion of the layering in the rock? b. Did the grooves form before or after the folding of the rock layering?
6) What types of rock are Manhattan Schist, Hartland schist, and Umpire Rock? Also, how did they get there?
7) Given the direction from which the glaciers may have come to an area is NW, SE or SE, NW. Explain this feature.