What is nursings role in shaping healthcare policy?

What is nursing’s role in shaping healthcare policy?

Tammy J. is the school nurse at Caseyville Middle School. The state requires that all entering sixth-grade
students must have a current immunization certificate on file prior to enrollment. It is now 6 months into the school year, and Nurse Tammy is reviewing the students’ records. Nurse Tammy finds that several students do not have current immunization certificates on file. Although state law requires immunization certificates, it does not specify the course of action to be taken in cases of noncompliance.
Nurse Tammy goes to her supervisor to discuss possible ways to resolve the situation. Should they suspend noncompliant students because the law states that the certificate of immunization is required for enrollment?
This solution could mean many missed days of valuable lessons for students. If students continue to go without immunizations, what effects may result for the students and for the community?
Nurse Tammy and her supervisor decide to contact all students and to meet individually with their families.
These meetings reveal that many parents have tried to get their children immunized but have not been able to do so because of the costs of the shots or an inability to make an appointment at the busy doctor’s office.
Nurse Tammy works with these families to make appointments at the local health department to fulfill the
immunization requirement.
Only Answer These 4 Questions:

  1. What was the state’s purpose when it made a law requiring immunizations prior to school enrollment?
  2. What can Nurse Tammy do on the policy level to clear up some of the confusion about what to do when
    faced with students who are non-compliant regarding the immunization certificate policy for enrollment?
  3. What is nursing’s role in shaping healthcare policy?
  4. How do you see yourself filling this role?