What is a primary source for a research literature review?

1. Discuss the Nursing Barriers to Evidence Based Practice?

2. Discuss what are the steps to Evidence Based Practice?

3. What is the highest priority for the importance of research in the nursing profession? A) Conduct research to better understand the context of nursing practice. B) Document the role that nurses serve in society. C) Research findings provide evidence for informing nurses’ decisions and actions. D) Establish nursing research areas of study.

4. The student nurse is constructing a presentation on evidence-based practice. Which statement should be included in the introduction about evidence-based practice? A) Utilization of nursing preferences in making clinical decisions B) Theoretical problem-solving strategy C) Conscientious integration of current best evidence with clinical expertise D) Emphasis on decision making based on custom

5. Which topic most closely conforms to the priorities that have been suggested for future nursing research? A) Attitudes of nursing students toward smoking. B) Promotion of excellence in nursing science. C) Nursing staff morale and turnover. D) Number of doctorate prepared nurses in various clinical specialties.

6. What is the overall plan for answering the research question? A) Sampling plan B) Proposal C) Problem statement D) Research design

7. Evidence-based practice typically involves weighing various types of evidence in an effort to determine best evidence. Most evidence hierarchies put which systematic review at the pinnacle? A) Randomized controlled trials B) Program evaluations C) Clinical practice guidelines D) Meta-analyses of multiple clinical trials

8. A RN is putting research into practice. What step of the process is involved with the validity of study findings? A) Framing an answerable clinical question B) Searching for relevant research evidence C) Appraising the evidence D) Integrating evidence with other factors

9. What is the purpose of an operational definition in a quantitative study? A) State the theoretical meaning of the concept. B) Specify how a variable will be defined and measured. C) State the expected relationship between the variables under investigation. D) Designate the conceptual underpinnings of the variable.

10. The nurse researcher knows that samples and sampling plans vary in quality. What is a key consideration in assessing a sample in a quantitative study? A) Representativeness B) Probability C) Non-probability D) Strata

11. Researchers communicate their aims as problem statements, statements of purpose, research questions, or hypotheses. What is the statement of purpose? A) Summarizes the overall study goal. B) Specific query researchers want to answer in addressing the research problem. C) Articulate the nature, context, and significance of the problem. D) Statement of predicted relationships between two or more variables.

12. What is a primary source for a research literature review? A) A description of a study written by researchers who did the study B) A summary of relevant research on the topic of interest C) A thesaurus that directs readers to subject headings germane to the topic D) Any journal article on a topic of interest

13. What is a secondary source for a research literature review? A) A description of a study written by researchers who did the study B) A summary of relevant research on the topic of interest C) A thesaurus that directs readers to subject headings germane to the topic D) A description of the study by an individual unconnected with it

14. Written literature reviews are undertaken for many different purposes. In a quantitative research report, what section of the report would a review of prior research on the problem under study be located? A) Introduction B) Methods C) Results D) Discussion

15. Written literature reviews are undertaken for many different purposes. In a research report, what section of the report would limitations of the study be located? A) Introduction B) Methods C) Results D) Discussion

16. The Belmont Report articulated broad principles on which standards of ethical conduct in research are based. Which is not considered an ethical principle for protecting study participants in the report? A) Beneficence B) Respect for human dignity C) Informed consent D) Justice

17. How can confidentiality of study participants be increased? A) Avoiding the collection of any identifying information B) Avoiding introducing the participants to any of the research personnel C) Placing all identifying information on computer files rather than in manual files D) Placing all identifying information on manual files rather than in computer files

18. The researcher wants to explore the extent to which quantitative findings can be applied to other groups and settings. What is this called? A) Reflexivity B) Generalizability C) Thick description

19. What type of research design involves an experimental intervention but no randomization and supports causal inferences? A) Quasi-experimental B) Crossover C) Factorial D) Experimental

20. The nurse researcher wants to use a probability sample in the research study. Which is an example of a probability sampling method? A) Convenience B) Cluster C) Purposive D) Quota

21. What is considered an advantage of a meta-analysis? A) Use for broad research questions B) Use for substantial inconsistency of findings C) Subjectivity D) Enhanced power

22. There is no consensus on whether systematic reviews should include the grey literature. What is grey literature? A) Published in a non-peer review journal B) Published in a peer review journal C) Published report D) Unpublished report

23. What is a publication bias? A) Stems from over representation of significant findings in the published literature B) Stems from underrepresentation of significant findings in the published literature C) Stems from over representation of non significant findings in the published literature D) Stems from underrepresentation of non significant findings in the published literature

24. Discuss the types of questions for Evidence Based Practice? Give example.

25. Grading the strength of a body of evidence addresses three domains. What are these domains?