What information does this give you about the region being analyzed by this pattern?
Please read through the paper, and then answer the following questions: a) In the text describing Figure 6 (p. 84), the authors state that the area from which SAED #1 was taken has “multiple crystal orientations within the selected zone”. They also state that SAED #3 “originates from a single grain next to the ASB, in this case viewed along an [001] cubic orientation”. What do you see in these diffraction patterns that either supports or disputes these conclusions? b) In the diffraction pattern labeled (3) in Figure 6, the spots in the pattern are streaked. What information does this give you about the region being analyzed by this pattern? c) In Figure 8, the authors present a SAED pattern from a 700nm area. They state “The pattern shows that α is the major phase, but that in addition the βphase is also present. Since the βphase also shows up more like a ring, multiple βorientations exist within the 700 nm region.” What do you see in this diffraction pattern that either supports or disputes these conclusions? d) In Fig. 11, there is a HAADF image, as well as elemental distribution maps of the same area from EDS. From your knowledge of the contrast mechanisms for HAADF imaging, are the elemental maps and the HAADF image consistent with each other? e) Figure 12 (b) shows an area of one of the deformed samples and a diffraction pattern, and the authors indicate that this area indicates the presence of a twinned grain. Do you agree? What evidence do you see in the image or SAED that support your interpretation?