What do these actions and statements take for granted?
Most typically, when coding, researchers have some codes already in mind and are also looking for other ideas that seem to arise out of the data. When coding in this second, open minded manner, Charmaz (writing in the grounded theory tradition) suggests you ask the following questions about the data you are coding:
• “What is going on?
• What are people doing?
• What is the person saying?
• What do these actions and statements take for granted?
• How do structure and context serve to support, maintain, impede or change these actions and statements?” (Charmaz 2003: 94-95)
A more detailed list of the kinds of things that can be coded are Table 1 below. The examples of each kind tend to be descriptive because it makes it easier to explain the phenomena. However, when you are coding it is advisable to move from descriptive codes to more analytic ones as quickly as possible. See the discussion in the next section.
1 Behaviours, specific acts Seeking reassurance, Bragging
2 Events – short once in a lifetime events or things people have done that are often told as a story. Wedding day, day moved out of home for university, starting first job
3 Activities – these are of a longer duration, involve other people within a particular setting Going clubbing, attending a night course, conservation work
4 Strategies, practice or tactics Being nasty to get dumped,
Staying late at work to get promotion
5 States – general conditions experienced by people or found in organisations Hopelessness “Ill never meet anyone better at my age” settling for someone who is not really suitable
6 Meanings – A wide range of phenomena at the core of much qualitative analysis. Meanings and interpretations are important pars of what directs participants actions.
a. What concepts do participants use to understand their world? What norms, values, and rules guide their actions The term ‘chilling out is used by young people to mean relaxing and not doing very much
b. What meaning or significance it has for participants, how do they construe events what are the feelings Jealousy “ I just felt why did she get him”
c. What symbols do people use to understand their situation? What names do they use for objects, events, persons, roles, setting and equipment? A PhD is referred to as ‘a test of endurance (because finishing a PhD is a challenge)
7 Participation – adaptation to a new setting or involvement About new neighbours “In my new house I have to keep my music down at night as the neighbours have young children”.
8 Relationships or interaction Seeing family “ Now my sister lives in the next road she visits more and weve become much closer.
9 Conditions or constraints Lose of job (before financial difficulties), moving away (before lost contact with old friends)
10 Consequences Confidence gets dates, positive attitude attracts opportunities
11 Settings – the entire context of the events under study University, work place, housing estate
12 Reflexive – researchers role in the process, how intervention generated the data Probing question “How did you feel when he said that?”