What chronic diseases are found in the culture.
You will be writing a report on a the country of Rwanda. The report should be at least pages in length, double or single spaced, numbered, with one-inch margins and 12-point font. (Reference page is not included in page maximum). It needs to be saved as a Microsoft Word document (.doc,.docx, you can also submit your assignment in .pdf). References MUST accompany statements of fact. Your project report must address the
following criteria: (you are welcomed to use the following as subheadings
for your paper to better organize your paper).
Description of the country (5 points)
• The location of the country
• Information on the population
• Interesting things about the country
History of the Culture (5 points)
• This should be concise, relevant, and precise.
• One–two paragraphs should be more than enough to explain the history
• Provide references in the body of the paper and at the end of the paper (see formatting references)
Uniqueness of the Culture (5 points)
• What makes this culture different?
• How are they different than their neighbors
• Does geography, climate, and/or political conditions influence this culture?
• What is the cultures worldviews?
• Provide references in the body of the paper and at the end of the paper (see formatting references)
Common Foods Used by the Culture (20 points)
• Include staple foods & if foods are different in different socioeconomic
levels, discuss those too.
• Discuss national dishes, foods eaten during national holidays,
celebrations, etc.
• Discus if any specific seasonings are used by the culture.
• Include pictures of foods that are eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
• Are there any foods that are exported to the United States?
• Cookbooks from specific cultures are wonderful resources for this
• Provide references in the body of the paper and at the end of the
paper (see formatting references)
Major Religions of the Culture (5 points)
• Discuss how food is used as: symbols of the religion, how the food
is used in ceremonies, and how is food used by the culture during
religious events.
• Provide references in the body of the paper and at the end of the
paper (see formatting references)
Health Beliefs (5 points)
• Does this culture use foods in healing or healthcare? Use peer reviewed journals for this section. Try keywords in search engines such as ‘traditional medicine or ‘herbal medicine and include the name of your country (of course). Please use a search engine that will provide you with accurate information.
• Discuss how it the food or herb is used and give 2 examples and their uses. You will probably need to use a peer-reviewed journal article for referencing this topic . Please see attached links of some search engines that you can use.
• Discuss what does the culture belief about health? What chronic diseases are found in the culture.
• Provide references in the body of the paper and at the end of the paper (see formatting references)
Challenges, Problems in the US (5 points)
• Describe the challenges and some of the problems when your culture settles in the US. You will probably need to use a peer reviewed journal article for referencing this topic. Sometimes this information can be found by searching sociology or anthropology journals. Please do not fabricate or extrapolate information-you will receive a ‘0 for this section; Make sure you provide references at the end of the document and in the body of the paper.
• Provide references in the body of the paper and at the end of the paper (see formatting references)
Conclusion(s) About the Culture (5 points)
• Please write a concluding paragraph about the culture.
• Include what you learned.
References (5 points for listing valid references and citing correctly
in paper):
Use a minimum of:
• (2) Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (These must be from journals that are peer-reviewed and relevant to the culture)
• (2) Book references (One of these can be a cookbook and/or your textbook)
• Valid Internet source (If you are not sure as to the validity of the site, send me a message in Blackboard)
• If you cannot find information regarding certain aspects of your assigned culture, please discuss which valid sources (Libraries and key words, internet sources, book stores visited, search engines/peer reviewed journals) you used to look for the information. After doing your research, if you still are having problems, let me know that you are having problems finding certain information. I will be able to help you find this information. If you simply say that you couldnt find the information, you will receive a ‘0 for the section without substantiation of your statement.
• Additionally, you may use interviews, lectures, more than the above references, & personal experiences in addition to the requirements above-but they must be properly referenced.
• Be consistent in your referencing of facts. Use one format (MLA or APA) and stick with it.
• All references must be credible https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/588/02/)
Spelling and Grammar: (5 points)
• Your papers will be posted for the instructor to read. Spelling, grammar, timeliness, proper use of references, completeness in the above relative contents and subject matter are grade considerations.
• Please make sure your name and the name of your culture/ country is on the paper.
• Is your paper in the correct format? Is it consistent throughout your paper?
• Did you meet the page requirement and stay w/in 5 page limit
• (Does not include reference/ title page)?
• Are all of your references credible sources?
• Paper meets Turnitin.com requirements
Students are required to submit their paper through turnitin.com via
For papers with 25% and higher found to be copied, students
will receive an overall deduction of their grade.
Students will receive 10% deduction if paper is 25-35% copied, students will receive 20% deduction if paper is 35-45% copied, students will receive 30% and higher for papers that are copied >45% and/or may not be accepted due to plagiarism.
Student may receive a ‘0 on paper and reported to Judicial Affairs)