What are the forms of nontraditional spirituality?

What are the forms of nontraditional spirituality? Include in your discussion Astrology, Hinduism, Gnostic traditions, Yoga, Meditation. Each form of nontraditional spirituality is 2 points. (10 points)
What are the seven (7) markers of spiritual wellness, as viewed through a mind/body health focus? You must correctly identify all seven (7) markers of spirituality. (5 points)
What is your personal definition of spirituality? Be sure to answer this question with a complete explanation of what spirituality means to you. (5 points)
What is your degree of spiritual wellness, as determined through a spiritual wellness self-assessment? To answer this question you must include the spiritual wellness self-assessment question tool on page 574 in your textbook along with your answers. Be certain that all your responses are complete and comprehensive statements that completely satisfy the spiritual self-assessment tool query. (10 points)
In what way has spirituality impacted on your role as a registered nurse? Be sure to answer this question fully by including five (5) specific examples in your response. Each fully explained example is 1 point. (5 points)

Grading Rubric:

The paper was an intellectual effort (40 points)
The introductory paragraph included an overview of the thematic questions, which would be examined in the body of the paper. (5 points)
The body of the paper addressed ALL thematic questions. (5 points)
The summary paragraph included ALL topics discussed in the body of the paper
(5 points).

The summary paragraph also included recommendation(s) for nursing. (5 points)
The writing of the paper was clear in thought and easy to understand (minimum editing was needed to improve clarity of writer’s thoughts). (2.5 points)
The paper read as a seamless work and not fragmented (paper was not written like
an assignment with a question and answer writing style) (2.5 points)

Latest APA edition was correctly utilized (2.5 points)
A reference list was included at the end of the paper. (2.5 points)
Resources used in the paper were current (no more than 7-years old) (2.5 points)
Internet Websites (from external links on Bb or from professionally oriented
Websites) were included in the paper. (2.5 points)

Grammatical errors were omitted (fewer than 3 grammatical errors were noted)
(2.5 points)

Spelling errors omitted (fewer than 3 misspelled words). (2.5 points)
Knowledge and comprehension of subject matter were evident. (40 points)
All thematic question responses were precise, detail-oriented, factually based discussions. (40 points)
Each response included a transitional paragraph, which served as segue to the next thematic discussion question.
Pre-recorded archived lectures, required textbook readings,
Internet Website resources, journal articles and publications were consulted in the preparation of each thematic question response.

Thematic questions were thoroughly examined. (10 points)
Concepts and arguments were logically constructed. (5 points)
Citations were used to support ALL factually based concepts and opinions.