What anomalies are present that appear not to align with the overall results?

Below are key questions for a school improvement team to answer when conducting action research:

1. What does the data show?
2. What trends and patterns exist?
3. What anomalies are present that appear not to align with the overall results?
4. Is the data from different sources consistent?
5. Are these the results we expected?
6. What new course should be charted or taken as a result of new knowledge derived from the data?
7. What additional questions need to be answered as a result of the initial data analysis?
Identify any other questions you feel would be relevant for the school improvement team to consider. Then, meet with team members for the purpose of collaboratively brainstorming and answering these questions. Document all processes undertaken leading up to the findings. Report in writing what you and team members gained professionally from conducting action research.

GSBS 110 WEEK 5 Weekly Video Clips

Based on this week’s video clips,

What was the most interesting information you learned about world languages and why?

What was the most compelling fact regarding the changes we’ve experienced as a result of technology and why?