Overview (purpose of presentation) • Importance of the Topic to Nursing and Healthcare • Professional Nursing Organizations involved with topic
workplace violence power point
Order Description
Workplace Violence
Read: Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. (2014). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends & management (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Chapters 16, 18, 20 & 21
Additional Resources: Literature Review
The student will search for a minimum of 3 (in addition to required textbook) current literature in peer reviewed nursing or medical journals, reliable websites or articles to find information about the topic. Information should be current (published within the last 5 years).
Poster Presentation
Students will complete a poster presentation. The presentation should demonstrate to other students how professional nursing organizations and health care policies impact the area of interest the student selected in workplace violence. The poster presentation will include and build on information developed in workplace Violence. The presentation should include the following information:
• Overview (purpose of presentation) • Importance of the Topic to Nursing and Healthcare • Professional Nursing Organizations involved with topic • Costs in Healthcare related to topic • Engagement
Overview: Identify purpose of the poster. Include a sentence that states the various topics that will be discussed in the poster. (Give detailed information or evidence to each objective, supported by current publications: 10pts).
Importance of Topic: What effect does this topic have on health care? Why is this topic important to nursing? (Give detailed information or evidence to each objective, supported by current publications: 20pts).
Professional Nursing Organizations Identify at least 2 professional nursing organizations involved in this topic. Provide contact information to the organization (address, web address, phone number). (More than two professional organizations listed, with contact information: 20pts)
Costs in Healthcare what does the topic cost to healthcare? Costs may be monetary, but may also include mortality, morbidity, and loss of work, insurance costs or decreased quality of life: 20pts
Scholarly Presentation Writing style allows for clear communication of thoughts through logical presentation of ideas with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Appropriate use of color and pictures. Visually interesting poster: 10pts.
APA Format Content organized and editorial style is correct. Citations and references must all be in APA format Min. of 3 references, in addition to the required textbook. Five points will be deducted if 3 references are not used or if a resource is not acceptable (not peer reviewed, greater than 5 years old). Acceptable references include: Nursing and/or government publications such as recognized nursing journals, recognized nursing organization websites, and government publications or websites. Not acceptable references include: Wikipedia, magazines and newspapers. APA citations within the paragraphs and body of the poster, as well as all citations including the reference box with no errors. Images and pictures used in the poster should be cited and references in the references: 10pts