Nursing leadership theories
Paper details:
Each of the seven (7) annotated bibliographies should be a short paragraph of 100-200 words. Each annotation should include:
1) The purpose of the work
2) A summary of its content
3) For what type of audience the work is written
4) Its relevance to the topic
5) Any special or unique features about the material
6) The strengths, weaknesses or biases in the material
Davies, A., Wong, C. A., &Laschinger, H. (2011). Nurses’ participation in personal knowledge transfer: The role of leader-member exchange (LMX) and structural empowerment. Journal of Nursing Management, 19(5), 632-643.
Mark, B. A., Hughes, L. C., & Jones, C. B. (2004). The role of theory in improving patient safety and quality health care. Nursing Outlook, 51(1), 11-16.
McGuire, E., &Kennerly, S. M. (2006). Nurse Managers as transformational and transactional leaders. Nursing Economics, 24(4), 179-86.
Shirey, M. R. (2006). Authentic leaders creating healthy work environments for nursing practice. American Journal of Critical Care, 15(3), 256-267.
Warrick, D. D. (2011). The Urgent Need for Skilled Transformational Leaders: Integrating Transformational Leadership and Organization Development. Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics, 8(5), 11-26.
Waterman, H. (2011). Principles of ‘servant leadership’ and how they can enhance practice. Nursing Management, 17(9), 24-26.
Wong, A., &Laschinger, H. K. S. (2012). Authentic leadership, performance, and job satisfaction: The mediating role of empowerment. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(4), 947-959.