Is there sufficient evidence to demonstrate fully the achievement of the learning claimed?

These are descriptions based on the learning outcomes, of the skills, knowledge or attributes you need to demonstrate in order to complete the assessment successfully.

In making decisions about the APL submission we also follow this guidance from the University APL policy:

Acceptability: is there an appropriate match between the evidence presented and the learning being demonstrated? Is the evidence valid and reliable?

Sufficiency: Is there sufficient evidence to demonstrate fully the achievement of the learning claimed?

Authenticity: is the evidence clearly related to the applicants own efforts and achievements?

Currency: does the evidence relate to current learning? Does it meet the requirements of professional, statutory of regulatory bodies, including any time limits for currency of evidence, certification, or demonstration of learning?

Level: is the level of achievement sufficient to allow progression to the programme being applied for?

Outstanding Grade-related Criteria
Work that demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of the subject area and addresses the learning outcomes/assessment criteria in full. Where relevant, it will show evidence of independent reading, thinking and analysis. It will be well-constructed and demonstrate a professional approach to academic practice. It will be of a professional standard.

Presentational Aspects
Please double space text and do not use a font less than size 11. All pages should be numbered.

Breaking Confidentiality
In all assessed work (coursework, assignments, examinations, clinical assessment (please see exception below), clinical profiles/workbooks etc.) you must comply with the following to protect confidentiality:
All clients/patients, relatives, members of staff (except where assessors are required to sign their name) and peers are to be referred to by a pseudonym.
The use of pseudonyms should be made explicit through a statement such as “Pseudonyms have been used in order to protect the confidentiality of the identity of individuals referred to in the assessment (except assessors who are required to sign their names).” Personal details such as address, hospital number, G.P. etc. must not be given for any reason.
If the name of the work place or any personal details of any client/patient, relative, member of staff (except clinical assessors) or peer has been given in an assessment, this assessment will automatically be recorded as 0 for breach of confidentiality. Your resubmission will then be regarded as a second attempt.